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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 10:09 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
Yerick chuckled slightly as he got his lecture of minding his tongue....He took the hand giving it a shake before removing his to find some black on his hand...defiently the man who had laid the coal markings. “I am a hunter...from Russia who escaped before I was killed off.” He was getting slowly more confident with his English his eyes narrowed slightly. “As a hunter I don’t have any scills for work, exept a hunter.”

He looked out the window looking at the route 66 he had picked out this place for the hopes of finding silver the last time he had hunted without silver it had taken almost half a week to kill the beast it had been a miracle he had got it in the end. “Russia is a breeding ground for this stuff.” Not knowing the word abnormal or paranormal in English it was the best he could do to describe his enemy.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 10:33 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

Strom acknowledged the Russian's story with a slight nod as he turned north on to route 66. He noted then behind his passenger there was a third cemetery that he had not accounted for. Three cemeteries all in the same area, 'how quaint', he considered. He then turned his attention back to the hunter and smiled at his final statement.

"Yes, the old blood is very potent in your Mother land, but it was this," he waved his hand about gesturing to the land about them, "that resurrected their kind. This 'hollywood' mentality, corrupting their minds. If it hadn't of been for the rise of this amoral society, people like you would have never been needed. Sounds like you've been doing this for a while then?" Strom probed as he slowed down the vehicle.

They were passing by the last two cemeteries, and he was under the impression that one of them was this hunter's destination, but now he was starting to think that the Russian was in search of something else. "So where do you want me to drop you off? Uh... I didn't catch your name."
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 11:14 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
“Mabe I woudnt have been needed but I dont know wat oter job I could possibly do.” He thought about his probing into how long he had been doing this for. “Since I can remember maybe when I was fifteen I started.” Not really sure when his little hobby had begun. “Just drop me off by the fence near that scrap yard ahead of us.” As the man drove him to the fence allowing him to get out he asked for his name. “Yerick!” Nodding to Strom with the introduction of his name he closed the door giving a final wave through the window. “It was a pleasure meeting you Strom.” Turning round to the scrap yard with a casual to get in the darn place.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 11:49 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden drove down to the little pizza place and parked. She got out of her car and entered the small establishment. She'd called from the room earlier and hoped that the pizza and cheesy garlic bread sticks were ready. She was in no mood to deal with people right now.

"I be here ta pick up an order for Warrick."

"Yeah....hang on a sec an I'll get it for ya."

Jayden looked at the young man at the register, raising an eyebrow. "I hope ye're pizza tastes better than ye manners, lad." The teenager gave her a dirty look which she held with her own green gaze, forcing him to look away first. He mumbled something and got her large stuffed 5 meat pizza, pan style and cheesy garlic breadsticks and via the manager who had witnessed what she said, the 2 litre bottle of pepsi that was thrown in for free.

She left the pizza place and headed back to the motel, entering her room at the motel. She set everything down on the small table and sat down to eat.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 12:10 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

Before Strom drove off, he yelled to Yerick, "I'm staying at the Wolves Den Motel, room five. If you find yourself in need of a place to crash, there's an extra bed."

As the German pulled away he had to laugh. He didn't believe that Yerick would be doing much sleeping tonight, but he thought he would offer the bed anyway. It was the second night of the full moon, and like him, the Russian hunter would probably be out combing the forests but would they actually find anything? Strom still couldn't be sure although his instincts told him otherwise. Looked like he'd have to use the soil from the graves to verify his suspicions, but he hated utilizing the arcane for such matters. It was like summoning a demon to wash your car... a bad idea, but he didn't many other options. He had hoped the Russian would have been in chatty mood and shared some information, but if he knew anything he kept it to himself. Foolish, thought Strom. If it was a werewolf or two, they stood a better chance working together, but then again maybe not. Strom had learned from his father, that there was those hunters that were strengthened in a group, and then there were those that had worked alone for so long that they didn't know how to fight alongside another. If, Yerick was the latter then perhaps it was better that he walked his own path. Strom sure as hell didn't want to get shot in the ass, or worse.

As Strom drove into town he started to get hungry so he stopped by the Black Cherry café for some lunch. A creature of habit, he even requested to sit at the same table when he saw it was vacant. The girl who had served him earlier that morning was still on shift and had no problem accommodating him.

"Thanks Brandy." Said Strom.

The girl looked very weary, and it was obvious to him that she hadn't heard anything yet about her missing friend. If she had, he didn't think she'd still be at work. Strom was pretty sure she was dead.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 12:35 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
Yerick looked left and right seeing no one around with what seemed a practiced grace he jumped and pulled himself over the fence be honest how many times you done that Yerick the answer was countless. He moved slowly through the scrap yard looking for large deposits of metal where someone decided to dump a load of one thing. He moved through the piles almost seeming at home it was obvious once again he had done this a few times he found a few cutlery silver knives nothing serious....

After maybe half an hour’s search unhappy he suddenly found the oddest of finds a bow and quiver of arrows...kneeling down he looked over the items for a good while picking up the arrows he tapped them on a surface listening to the ring of them. Then the taste test nope not silver he threw them down unhappy with it still but as he threw it down he noticed an unusual knife slightly curved and still in a sheath of well oiled leather he picked it up unsheathing it his face broke into a grin.... “Found ya.” It was a silver knife a good 13inch silver blade not pure but it was enough to hurt those damn blade would have to do he was starving.

Yerick stuffed the knife somewhere at the back of his coat seeming to disappear he got back to the fence pulling himself up and over with practiced movements again he landed on the other side lightly...couldn’t help thinking to himself assassin. Yerick began limbering up as he prepared himself a jog back to the women’s......J...Jaa....Jayden cor it would have been bad going in forgetting her name he started to jog back his pace very steady smiling as the miles went by without him fully realising.

Yerick reached her motel slowing down he walked a little out taken for breath he stopped about two doors down gathering himself before he walked up to the door and knocking. “Pizza delivery for a Jayden Warrick.” Shouting in his thick Russian accent strangely he could smell the pizza from here as he waited for her to come and get the door for him or yell it was open damn he was hungry that was for sure when was the last time he had eaten...
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 7:35 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden shook her head at the Russian's words of a pizza delivery before hollering, "IT BE OPEN, YERICK!!" She watched as he came in, sat down and began eating. It was clear that he was hungry and she wondered herself when the last time was this man had eaten, but it wasn't her concern right now. She'd eaten her fill and had cleaned up her hands and face and was now sitting on the bed a sharpening stone in one hand and a silver, Scottish dagger in the other, the soothing sound of the blade gliding across the stone calming her. Next to her was her shotgun and shells. Inside the shells were a few silver beads mixed in with the lead ones....her families formula. But, she was running low and would have to find some way to buy what she needed to make more. She was down to only two cases of twelve shells each. She also had her beretta snub-nose out as well, the gleam of it clearly indicating that she'd recently cleaned it. On the other side of her were her blades, all of various lengths, all made of silver and the longest one being a large bowie, the blade nine inches long extending from a hand-made handle made from the antler of the sacred white stag of the highlands. It was etched with Celtic druidry symbols of protection, speed and skill, only on this particular blade, not only was the hilt etched with these symbols but the blade as well. All of her blades had various ancient Celtic druidry symbols carved on them, but the all but glimmered with them. It was her favorite of all of her weapons, passed down from generation to generation of hunters in her family. It was her father's and now it was hers. It was the one she picked up next to be sharpened, having sharpened the other four smaller daggers. This knife she smiled at, kissing the flat of the blade and murmuring to the spirit of her father to watch over her and Yerick and grant them a successful hunt. Then she started sharpening the blade.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 8:03 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
Yerick opened the door slowly moving in as he looked to the pizza sitting on the table he walked over sitting in the chair as he looked down to the pizza he opened it smiling as he pulled it across having her eat her share he ate at the remnants quite quickly. He finished eating getting up he walked to the bathroom she heard him take off his coat he was inspecting how he had fared jumping from the train grabbing a hand towel he cleaned up as best as he could finally walking out the en-suite bathroom with the red coloured towel she could have sworn they had been white as he threw it into the bin. His coat thrown over one shoulder he threw it over the back of the chair he gave a low whistle as he looked over all her gear. “Ok mabe your more prepared than I.”

He emptied his coat insides a selection of boring steel knives a coil of wire and he put the new knife he had found a little bit of silver. She noticed he had an old pistol in a shoulder holster she could tell it wasn’t used often more a relic of a past time as he ignored it...a Tokarev pistol if she had knowledge of World war two pistols. He removed a knife from a sheath she almost noticed his eyes light up it was obviously his favourite a black DV-2 Russian Spetz Naz knife...unlike her gleaming knives it was aged and she could see speckles on its surface...blood? The man pulled out his own sharpening stone but unlike her he only focused on his favourite knife after all the others would just be used to distract anything he attacked. After a long duration he pulled a lighter and began melting the wire onto the edges of the other its gleam she could only guess it had some silver in to irritate the beast when they found it.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 10, 2010 10:15 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden stopped sharpening her bowie as she spotted the antique gun and knives. She looked up at Yerick's face, shock on hers. "Surely ye doan think ta be killin' the beastie with that ole thing? Ye'd have a better chance at blowin' off ye're bloody hand first. doan see many guns like tha' one." When he pulled out his knife, her eyes widened and she was the grin of someone who appreciates a good blade. "Nice, Yerick. Ye hae' no protection symbols upon it? I hope ye kens what ye be doin' then."

She went back to sharpening her own knives, finally finishing. One would think that she had lots of money with the amount of silver blades around her, but in truth...they were all handed down to her. Yeah, her family had more money than most, but they weren't ones to flaunt it and now thanks to her wayward cousin, she would have to resort to any means necessary to obtain that which she would need in the upcoming battles....with the exception of selling her body or her soul and killing innocents. "I be ready ta hunt in a bit. How about ye?"
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2010 12:49 am


Chris Taylor lay asleep in a hospital bed. Aside from a laceration to his head and a slight concussion the young man was physically fine, but mentally his world had been turned upside down. When they finally managed to get the severed arm away from him, paramedics had been forced to sedate him less he cause harm to himself. Sheriff Stone had hoped there was an outside chance of getting a statement, but there was little chance of that in the next hour, and even after that there was no telling what sort of state Chris would be in.

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Sheriff_mack_stone

Sheriff Stone wandered into the hospital room and put his hand on the shoulder of the boy's father. He was standing over his wife as she sat beside her boy sobbing and turned slowly to acknowledge the man he had grown up with.

"Frank." Greeted the Sheriff, prompting his wife to look up. "Margaret." he addressed, "I am very sorry this happened to Chris, but he's going to be okay."

"You sure about that, Mack?" Questioned the man with an accusing look. "Why in the hell is that killer still out there? Why haven't you brought in the Feds?"

"Please, Frank, calm down."

"Calm down? My boy could have died, and God knows what happened to Sally and you want me to calm down."

Frank gave Mack a shove and it was at that point that Margaret stood up and put a hand on her husband to prevent him from doing anything he might regret.

Sheriff Mack Stone felt awful. It was his fault that this happened. He had been trying to keep this matter quiet to protect their town from the media and all the crap that came with them, but he was losing control of the situation. He could see that now. "I'm sorry, Frank, I really am." He offered, "Margaret..."

The woman turned her husband away and the returned to watching over their son. If the Sheriff had been looking to get a statement out of them, which he had, the opportunity had passed and Stone was on his own. Turning back to the door, he exited without a word and walked over to one of his deputies.

"Have they found anything yet?" He inquired.

The deputy shook his head. "That old tracker, Bill Moss, he found a blood trail but it lead no where, he said."

Stone just grumbled under his breath and kept walking down the hall. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a small plastic evidence bag containing the hairs that Jayden had found and sighed. They didn't have a forensics department in Kane and so they would have to be sent off to Pittsburgh, which would take at least three days. Holding them up to the light, they certainly looked like inhuman hairs, but they could just the same come from a fur coat as a live wolf. What was he to do? Stone had been debating for a few weeks now whether to involve the F.B.I. but it seemed that he had no choice now. Sally Marshall, was probably dead and they were out of their depth with this kind of investigation. As Sheriff Stone exited the hospital and strode toward his vehicle he felt a heavy burden slide off of his shoulders. Right then and there he resigned himself to contact the F.B.I. tomorrow and get in some experts who were experienced with serial killers.


EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

"You keep yer chin up." Strom said to Brandy as he left the restaurant. His belly and his travel mug full, he got into his truck and headed back to his motel. He figured he catch a nap since he was going to be up through the better part of the night, but before that he had to establish once and for all if he was in fact dealing with a were-wolf.

As Strom was stopped at a red light, he reached into the back seat and procured the two jars of grave earth and placed them on the passenger seat. He'd have to resort to a little black magic, which he was none to proud of, but at least he would be sure. Green light, he stepped up on the gas only to step on the brakes as semi-truck came barreling through the intersection almost broad siding him. He felt the hot rush of adrenaline through his body and his body was immediately covered by a cool sweat as an orange and green coloured truck with an empty load on it's flat belly kept on going.

"Schizer!" Swore Strom as he gripped the steering wheel. For a moment he actually considered following the guy and giving him a piece of his mind but he didn't have the time nor did he want to draw anymore attention to himself.

Back at the motel, Strom prepared the ritual. He unrolled a very old looking tapestry on the table, a piece of black cloth embroidered with a white pentacle, the placed a black candle at each point and lit them in a clockwise manner while quietly chanting a latin phrase repeatedly. He then placed an ordinary bowl in the middle of the symbol and poured the earth of one of the jars into it. He remembered well, watching his father perform similar rituals when he was a child.It was only when he was older that he came to realize that such things were not common place and were in fact frowned upon or feared. Never had he thought he would ever utilize the old ways ingrained within his roots but after his father's murder he embraced all that would allow him to attain his vengeance.

Speaking the arcane words of a virtually unknown language, Strom held his hand over the bowl and slashed his palm with a razor blade. As the blood slowly ebbed into the earth, he continued to recite the words and an eerie wind began to blow within the confines of the room, only no window was open. The candles flickered and their yellow glow turned blue. He then stared into the bowl, watching the blood mingle with the black soil and as it did the earth began to move on its own. It undulated and turned as if it were being molded by a pair of unseen hands, then it stopped and the candles suddenly burned yellow once more. Strom gasped and exhaled a cool mist then sucked in a long breath. He had been frozen during the transformation, held in place while the demonic hands revealed a symbol or token of the death that had befell the grave's occupant. As Strom looked into the bowl, he studied the sign left by the unearthly traveller and found it to be a.... letter 'M'? He looked at the symbol every which way, and it was definitely a letter 'M'.

"Well, that was a waste of time." Strom said to himself in his native tongue. The guy probably died from too much fast food or something.

Strom, looked at the other jar of dirt as he wrapped his still bleeding hand with some gauze. He really didn't feel at all like performing the ritual a second time as he figured it probably would yield the same or even worse results. What the hell had he been thinking? Now he was exhausted from the strain and knew no more than he had at the start. In fact he was little more confused.

Strom cleaned up all the magical paraphernalia and tucked it away into one of his packs. He then laid down on his bed and checked the clock. It was about quarter to two in the afternoon and he hoped that he would at least sleep for a few hours as he closed his eyes. It didn't take long for sleep to wash over him, and soon he was lost in a dream.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2010 10:39 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
“It is a memento from past times...” He said no more as hiseyes narrowed it had been the worst time in his life in Russia. He saw her lookas she spotted the knife of his he couldn’t help but nod at the comment of noprotection wards... “They don’t work very well if you arn’t related to the makerof the symbols...I was never good at magic personally and my family.....wellthats best left in the gutter.” His accent still thick as ever and the lastwords mumbled as he went back to work.

She could see that look in her eye happy she had relations which had providedher with her weapons unlike Yerick who had scavenged everything he had beforehim even the Hitler youth knife sitting in the collection of knives waiting fora layer of melted wire on them he had two left to do as he picked up the nextthe Hitler youth knife sitting on the table alone. “Just the one left and wecan try hunting this thing.” He worked with a practiced steady hand, you had toquestion is this how he hunted....scarce on resources every time?
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 12, 2010 1:09 am

"I found something!" Shouted one of the deputies.

A lock hair dangled from a bough. The tress swaying ever so slightly in the breeze, stiffened by a coating of dried blood. It was the first sign, there were more. First they found a foot, next part of human skull and next the remains of the girls torso, mangled beyond recognition. As the crows scattered and the putrid stench wafted over them, several of the deputies lost their lunch. It was evident that the woman had been eaten, the choice parts of her flesh devoured, or hacked away by some maniac, none could be sure, although those who knew the woods swore that it was some beast that tore away the meat, not a knife.

"Dammit! The killer could use a bloody garden tool to make it look like she was eaten!" Growled Stone into the phone as he spoke with one of his reporting deputies. "I don't want to hear another word about the like of werewolves. Now, I want the scene preserved. Tomorrow I'm calling in the feds and they should be able to get a team up here by the evening."

"Yes, sir." Responded the deputy. After stone hung up, he headed back to the others and relayed the Sheriff's orders.

Some were relieved and others felt robbed of the hunt, but it was Stone's decision and they had to accept it whether they agreed or not. At least they still had one more night before they had to hand over the investigation, maybe this would be it. Maybe, the killer would finally slip up.


EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

As Strom slept his face glistened with sweat. He was dreaming of the close call he had at the intersection on his way back to the motel. The light had been green for at least few second before he accelerated, which meant the trucker was probably purposely running the light, but was it really necessary? Something didn't make sense and the nagging of his subconscious mind manifested itself within his dreams, slowing the scene down, allowing him to make out the logo on the green coloured door of the truck. It read, Traeger's Hauling, but there was more. His eyes drifted up to the window where the shadowy image of the driver slowly turned toward him. The burly man, looked right at him in that split second his eyes flashed red, the shining glow of wolves eyes!

Strom's eyes burst open and he was up like a shot, his sawed off, double barreled shot gun in his hand and aimed at his own image in the mirror across from the bed. His breathing was hard, his heart beating a mile a minute, as he knew without a doubt that what he had dreamed was real. Such things were not uncommon for visionaries, one they became more in tune with an area things just started to become apparent to them. A state of knowing, as Strom like to call it. A heightened awareness of things, but it was unlike any common cheesy depictions of psychic abilities. Visionaries weren't clairvoyant or able to see the future, they didn't walk around spaced out lost in their own visions. The just had good instincts and knew that they could trust their instincts.

Convinced now, that he was in fact up against a werewolf, Strom was instantly on guard. For some reason, the monster had attempted to kill him in broad daylight and make it look like an accident. Why would the creature take such a risk? He could have exposed himself. Also, it was evident that the werewolf knew what he was, but how? Strom hadn't really been around a lot of people in town, just the motel manager and... His eyes widened as he has a revelation. Something occurred to the German just then and he prepared to take a drive back downtown.

Strom cautiously opened the door to the motel and peeked outside. The Wolves Den motel was remote and surrounded by forest land offering a werewolf an advantage. It was apparent that the creature knew who he was, so he could know where he was staying as well. Quickly, he made his way to his truck, tossed his baggage into the back and locked the door behind him. Not that the window or even the door of his SUV would stop such a creature but the false sense of security felt good nonetheless. He started the truck and checked the time, 4:15. It would be getting dark in a few hours, and a few moments after that, the moon would rise and cause the uncontrollable transformation of a lycanthrope. He still had some time.

Strom headed back in to town and parked in front of the Black Cherry cafe. Through the window he could see Brandy, the server, walking across the floor. He had been blessed with some good timing, as the girl appeared to be removing her apron and in fact her shift was just ending.


Eventually the girl made her way out of the restaurant and headed toward her car in the parking lot to the side of the building. She still hadn't heard a thing about her friend and co-worker, Sally and was eager to get to the hospital and see how Chris was doing. Nothing had been said of the severed arm, and so she still believed her friend could be alive.


The girl jumped and spun around with a gasp. When she saw it was the German tourist, the girl immediately relaxed but remained wary. "Oh, hello. Back again, hey? You're not stalking me are you?" she joked with a semi-serious undertone to the contrary.

"Stalking?" Repeated Strom, translating the word and pondering its meaning, "Oh, stalking. No, I don't think so." he replied with a warm smile.

"Well that's good. So, I'm in a bit of hurry, did you need something?"

"Just a quick question. Do you know anything about Traeger's Trucking?"

"Sure." she answered, "Mr. Traeger's been a regular at the Black Cherry since it opened."

"Was he at the restaurant this morning?"

Brandy thought for a moment. "Come to think of it, he wasn't, which is odd, he always at least stops in for a cup of coffee. Why do you ask?"

Strom thought fast. "Something fell off his truck today. I was right behind him and picked it up, I'd just like to return it to him."

"Oh, that's sweet. Do you know where he lives?"

"No. Is it far?"

"Not really... well, kinda. He lives off of Jo Jo road. Do you know where the cemeteries are?" Strom nodded, "Well, after them hang a right and that's Jo Jo, then after a little over half a mile, turn right down one of the two dirt roads. It's a loop and he lives at the end so taking either one will get ya there."

"Thank you." Strom told the girl, and headed back to his truck. He sat there for a moment planning his next move. If Traeger was a werewolf how was going to react, he needed to focus and be ready for anything.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 14, 2010 10:18 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Once he was finished, Jayden tucked her beretta into the back of her jeans at the waistband, put on her jacket and slid the smaller blades home in there sheathes that were sewn into the inside of it, her large bowie knife into the sheath at her side and the boot knives into her boots. "Ready whenever ye are, Yerik." She headed for the door, opening it and looking outside. Seeing that it was clear, she motioned for him to climb into the car and drove towards the cemeteries. Yerick gave her a funny look, "A usually me hunches are right, so we go this way."
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 14, 2010 10:32 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
“Hunches are good.” He sat in the car having followed her to the car, his knives all lined the inside of his coat his DV-2 knife sitting in a sheath at his lower back quite uncomfortable in a car but he ignored it. “Hunches and instincts are whats needed in this line of business.” Smiling as he had a hand on his neck she hadn’t noticed a scar running from one side of his chin to the other his finger tracing along it now. He leant back in the chair watching as the woods past them by on the way to the cemeteries... “Let us hope he roams round here.” His hand dropping from his neck and reached inside his coat he rested it on the pistol butt finding comfort in its cold embrace an old ritural before the hunt for him.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 15, 2010 12:19 am



There were four cemeteries in Kane, three of which, the oldest, were right off of old route 66. Jayden was drawn to the largest one on the west side of the road, called Forest Lawn. The sun was getting low on the horizon as they pulled up to the closed gates, they would have to exit their car and continue on foot if they wished to continue on. Whether or not the gates could be opened was beside the point, since a car driving around where it should not be could draw unneeded attention. That risk was, however, entirely up to Jayden and her Russian associate to debate as there were definite advantages to keeping the car as well.

The further one went into the cemetery, the older the graves and denser grew the woods. The entire cemetery was enshrouded by forest, casting long dark shadows across the stark tombstones, but it was thickest toward the rear. There one found old crypts, overgrown by the ever encroaching woods ever seeking to fill in the gap that was the graveyard. There, in one of the oldest graves something stirred. A werewolf? No, whatever it was stank of death. It's old dried bones were strong once more, and the withered muscles replaced by earth flexed again. The undead monstrosity, clawed it's way to the surface with inhuman strength, born into a world of darkness for a single purpose. Destroy the hunters, while it's summoner had long since departed. The bait had been set, however, visionaries had a sense for the paranormal but this would only serve to lead them to their demise. A decayed and withered hand burst out from beneath the ground before an old tombstone, then another and another. Five in total rose from their graves, their shambling forms deceptively powerful, strong enough to dig and claw through hard packed earth, hard work that made a body thirsty... for blood.

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

Strom headed south down route 66. He was racing the sun and wanted to find this guy, Traeger before night fell and the moon rose, although if this guy was old enough, he might be able to transform at will. Either way, he'd change by a full moon, but if they needed to, an older werewolf could release the beast within them at will. Up ahead he could see, the cemeteries coming up and immediately could feel an eeriness creeping up his spine.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2010 12:03 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden parked the car in the shadow of a large tree about 25 yards from the cemetery entrance, hoping that the dark color would be concealed by the large tree. The car was off the road, so there was no worry that it would be a danger to any cars coming through. She stepped out, making sure again that she had all of her weapons. She only had five, fully loaded clips left and no silver bullets left. She would have to figure something after this hunt. Until then, she would make do with what she had and her fighting skills. She turned around and saw Yerick stepping out. "We will walk from 'ere." She headed to the gates, stopping before them and seeing that they were locked. She looked around, assessing the situation. It was almost completely dark and her hunch told her that there was something wrong within the graveyard. She hoped that it was the werewolf, but 'instinct' told her it wasn't. She turned and began to walk along the perimeter of the fencing until she found what she was looking for. A place that had rungs for worker to climb over if the gate couldn't be open or to climb out of the cemetery if there was an emergency. It was hidden behind some thinning bushes, which she pulled back.

"A way in, I do believe. Shall we?"

She climbed up and over, landing deftly on her feet on the other side. She began to walk towards the older end of the graveyard, feeling the pull in that area. It wasn't long before the stench hit her and she knew what was making it, having smelled it before. Ghouls......undead ghouls to be exact. She pulled her shotgun out of the holster at her other hip, the short, sawed off gun sliding out easily and cocked both barrels. "We have company, Yerick. I hope ye're ready fer a fight?" Her green eyes twinkled at the thought of killing undead.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 16, 2010 12:32 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
Yerick followed her up the ladder climbing it easily with great confidence not really having to look at the rungs as he threw himself over the wall not even bothering to use the other side he landed heavily sniffing the air he didn’t get anything. He pulled out his dagger before they even started heading towards the older part of the graveyard he kept his wits on him not liking the fact they had trees with gravestones between...a crawler could get onto you before you could even react. He slowly followed her before he caught the scent of decay a smile broke open his favourite customers. “Ghouls.”

He slowly walked towards them as he saw them slowly increase their half-assed pace of stumbling as they suddenly began to jog and get quicker and quicker till they were sprinting towards them. “I hope you are ready Jayden.” The mad Russian brought the knife in front of him his face a great big grin as he waited for the first one to come at him this was what he lived for.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 1:16 am


As Strom passed by the first cemetery on his right he couldn't helping noticing the car parked in the shade of large oak at the roadside. A rental car the same colour, make and model of the one parked in front of the motel room where the woman he had seen the Russian hunter with was staying. What the hell were they doing at the cemetery? His curiousity piqued, Strom decided to have a quick peek at what they were up to and so he turned his truck around and parked beside the car. As he stepped out, he looked toward the setting sun and knew that if he took the time to spy on his colleague and the woman he was yet uncertain of, he would lose the opportunity to sneak up on Traeger. A risk, he considered was negligible if Yerick had discovered another clue to this mystery.

Strom walked round to the back of the SUV and opened the hatch. In the hidden boot, he opened up a locker filled with an assortment of weapons and tools, most of them shiny and new, some weathered surplus. Just in case they had stumbled upon one of the beasts he armed himself with a few trinkets, then proceeded to load a snub nosed revolver with silver bullets. After locking everything up tight, he put the gun in the pocket of his leather jacket and proceeded through a side gate into the cemetery which was designed for after hours walking traffic. He made his way though the cemetery, following an odd tingling sensation on the back of neck.

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 8:52 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden finally saw the ghouls....their stench preceding them. Gods, how the smelled!! She flipped off the safety to the shotgun and cocked both barrels. "Shall we dance with the smelly things? Or shall we simply take their heads?" She said both with a laugh, her father having always told her to laugh before battle for it may be your last and you want to die having remembered having a good laugh. Aiming, she fired, the head of the closest one exploding, the body falling to the ground. She quickly aimed at the second and did the same. Popping open the barrel, the two empty, smoking shells popped out and she quickly inserted two more with the deftness of one who'd done this many times. She quickly took out two more, but was unable to reload as she was set upon by two more.

Drawing her bowie knife, she spun around, slipping past the undead so that she was now at it's back. Striking out, she severed the spinal column of the ghoul, only to feel a hand on her shoulder, the sharp ends of bones puncturing the skin and sinking into her flesh. She of rage and pain as she grabbed the bony wrist, flipping the undead over her shoulder, it's fingers ripping free of her shoulder. Luckily, the puncture wounds weren't as deep as they looked. Deep enough to need medical attention, but she ignored the pain and the blood streaming down her arm and pulled her snub nosed Beretta and shot the ghoul in the center of the forehead at point blank range.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 9:34 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
Yerick calmly let the ghoul reach for him then slashing at the joint the arm came off at the elbow then it feel forward with its jaw. He reacted by planting a firm elbow to the bottom of its chin and pushed up his arm following through for his knife to slash straight through the backbones its head flying off as he approached his next one. His knife coming up again this one attacked more cautiously retracting its hand before being fully outstretched. So Yerick was kind enough to use his Hitler youth knife straight into the Ghouls hand he stupidly head butted it only to force its head back. His DV-2 knife could enter under the jaw again and with a twist the head the head popped off into his hand...he turned seeing how the women was handling things after all she had a gun unlike him and was doing well he dropped the skull treading on it as it gave a healthy crack under his boots. “I smell more further in.”
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 20, 2010 11:20 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

"Shizer!" Cursed Strom when he heard the second blast of the shotgun echo through the cemetery. The sound carried for at least a kilometer and he prayed that no evening stroller or jogger was around.

He moved swiftly through the graveyard, smoothly moving in a serpentine fashion as he avoided the tombstones. The shots were emanating from the other side of a low stone barrier, which he figured was the original wall of the older cemetery beyond. An area, over grown with trees, which would offer much cover for any would be attackers.

Paranoid, Strom pulled out his revolver and cautiously moved around a dense hedge, obscured from whatever was on the other side of it. It sounded like a fight, but he heard not the tell-tale growls or fleet foot steps of a were-wolf, but rather the slower staggering steps one associated with normal people. He drew closer, peering through a small opening in the bushes and then it hit him. The foul stench of death struck him hard and he nearly wretched as he averted his nose. Undead! It had to be, but who would have conjured such things?

The question plagued his mind as the stench did his nose, while he remained hidden, spying on the two hunters as they fought well against the vicious ghouls. It seemed to him that the woman was in fact a, visionary, like he and the Russian but he found the fact that she was attempting human kill shots on undead creatures, puzzling. As she blasted a hole in the head of one the creatures, a juicy black discharge erupted out the back of it's skull, but the creature kept on going. For a moment, he considered lending aid, but then Yerick seemed to have things under control; enough so that he could carry on and deal with Traeger, but then the Russian hunter said something that caught his attention. He looked straight at the hedge, behind which he was hiding and said, "I smell more further on."

"Shizer." Strom whispered to himself as he heard the sound of a snapping branch behind him.

Without turning around he holstered his gun. It would be useless against them anyway, and he wasn't about to waste precious silver bullets on the vile things. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out a sterling silver bladed hunting knife and spun around to tear into his opponent, but he froze and swallowed hard when he stared into six sets of glassy dead eyes.

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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 8:23 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden had fought many creatures over her short life, ghouls not being one of them. But, she was a quick learner and realized quickly that in order to kill these creatures, she would have to sever the head. Her bowie knife in her right hand, blood dripping from her left hand from the puncture wounds from the ghoul who had snuck up behind her and dug his bony fingers into the fleshy part of her shoulder. She could lift her left arm but it was extremely painful to do so. Unfortunately, the blood dripping was driving the remaining ghouls into a frenzy.

She followed Yerick further into the older part of the cemetery, seeing more ghouls making their way to them. She took a defensive stance as the first two approached her. She waited patiently, keeping her left arm up the best she could as a block if needed. Arms outstretched the closer they got to her, the ghouls dead eyes focused on her bloody shoulder. Spinning, she was able to get behind the two slow moving creatures, severing the head of one just as the other turned faster than normal, his bony arm connecting with her chest, knocking her backwards a few feet. "Shite!!! That hurts!!", she mumbled as she got back to her feet quickly, facing off the ghoul only to see three more out of the corner of her right eye, heading for her. Kicking out with karate blow to the ghoul, she grimaced hearing and feeling the crunch of bones beneath her booted foot. Again, she spun, getting herself behind the creature and severing it's head just in time to engage the three coming at her from the right.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 2:29 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Jakobmodern
“A nu-ka!” Yelling at the top of his voice as he ran forward leaving Jayden to three ghouls after all he had seen 6 more over the low wall and he noticed some movement a witness never good. His boot slammed down on the old wall pushing himself off launching into the air bricks falling off it from his sudden thrust gaining enough air he brought his heel down in an axe kick straight into the top of the skull. He ignored Strom not even recognizing the German too busy enjoying the result of his kick as the skull was torn off its spine and was stuck to his foot continuing its arc as it was crushed as it slammed the Earth. Yerick’s knife hand licked across a shoulder joint of a ghoul its arm coming off easily as he separated the attacking tendons. Though he rather desperately shoved his other hand out to the right luckily smashing under the ghouls chin and with a sudden yank his muscles strained as he tried yank the whole spine out a sickening crack but the skull didn’t budge. He decided to turn to bring his knife hand round from its slice using his forearm he smashed it on the forehead of the Ghoul knocking its head off backwards as the spine had been cracked.

Smiling as he went to turn to the next one when he suddenly noticed an increasing pain in his stomach...The ghoul he had decided to handle with his bare hands had taken its opportunity to shove its almost clawed skeletal hand into his stomach he stared at it before slicing it off at the wrist leaving it in place as he worried for a second how deep it was but now was not the time they weren’t out of the dirt yet. He took a step back from the Ghouls daring a glance backwards to see....Strom. “YOU?!?!” Then he turned back as he heard the creak of a charging ghoul using his DV-2 knife to block the claw slicing between its fingers beginning to travel up its arm but the ghoul pulled back quickly enough...Yerick was still smiling even with the pain in his stomach slowly dawning truly on him. “Welcome to the party!”
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 12:17 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Strom_nachtbruck

Strom, still could hardly believe his eyes. He was actually being attacked by the walking-dead and his first thought was to flee, but where? Through the hedge? There was no time and the foul things had him surrounded, all he could do was fight, a struggle he feared would be a short one.

They all basically attacked at once. Mauling him with their clawed hands and all, Strom could do was raise his arms in defense and hope that his leather coat deflected some of the vicious clawing attacks. He crouched down low to avoid their bites, then seeing his one and only opportunity, drove his blade in the ribs on the one furthest to his right, penetrating the leather flesh and wedging it into the bone. Hold fast to the hilt, he pulled with all his strength spinning the thing into the one next to it, using the creature as a shield while he made his way out of the semi-circle of death. All went smoothly, until he tried to free his knife. The blade was stuck, and as he tried to wrench it free, inadvertently pulled the ghoul toward him, leaving himself wide open to attack. The creature caught hold of the collar of his jacket and with incredible strength, lifted him off the ground and held him dangling in the air.

It was at that point, when Strom figured he was about to become the main course that Yerick bounded over the low wall and into the frey. As he drove his foot into the head of the one who held him, the German and his knife were set free and he tumbled to the ground landing against the hedge. He lied there then for a moment, watching the display of madness as the young Russian laid waste to the undead horrors. He might have stayed on the ground even longer, had another ghoul not set it's dead eyes upon him, and so he scrambled to his feet and retreated back to the wall, menacing the thing to no avail with defensive slashing motions. He had never fought such things before, and knowing how to battle a thing and actually fighting them, he was finding out, were very different.

'Welcome to the party?', thought Strom as he took note of Yerick's wound, you gotta be kidding. This was insanity. These undead things had been conjured for one purpose, and that was to kill... period, unfortunately someone had to kill them, and Strom was thinking that the local grave-digger wouldn't be much up for the task.

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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 10:07 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! - Page 3 Warric11Jayden spun around, her large bowie knife severing the head of another ghoul. She'd figured quickly that in order to take these creatures out you had to either severe their head or their spinal cord at the neck. The only problem was that she didn't have a sword, only a bowie knife with an eight inch blade. She saw Yerick running towards the low wall and wondered what he was doing, but she didn't have time to wonder long as four more ghouls came at her. Her shoulder was burning from the bony fingers of the one who had dug them into it and it was becoming harder to to lift her left arm, but she did the best she could, kicking out with her feet, trying to knock them off balance, preferable into each other so that they would tangle and she could take their heads. Attempting it and doing it though, were two different things. It worked with two of them and she took them out quickly enough, but the other two were a little harder having more distance in between them.
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