Bifrost Bridge - Best Storytelling
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Posts : 2902
Join date : 2009-04-24
Location : Land of Eternal Winter

PostSubject: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 20, 2010 3:25 am

Chapter 1
Pages 1 - current

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! 308019621_baf2e604b0

A red late model Chevy SUV cruised northward on the Buena Vista Highway. The driver, a man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties stretched his thick neck, moving his head from one side to another, then rotated his round shoulders while leaning back in the seat. He yawned, and promptly ran his hand over his stubbled face in a further attempt to stave off the drowsiness, but it was no use. There was no way he was going any further, at least not without some more coffee.

A sign flashed by and he noted that it now referred to the 321 as Brickyard road. Running a hand through his thick sandy coloured hair, the man curiously glanced at the map in the passenger seat and verified that the road did indeed change names, it also meant that the tow of Kane was coming up. 'Thank goodness', he thought. He needed a break, seven hours straight was about his limit.

The sun was getting low, and the bottom of it was just starting to creep below the overcast sky and touch upon the tips of the evergreen trees that lined the highway. He passed another sign, this one mentioning the intersection coming up, where Sleep Hollow road cut across the highway. Creepy the man thought, as he thought about the old tale by the same name. A story he remembered well as it was one of a few his father used to read to him on the eve before Samhain. Just reading the name cast visions of a headless horseman riding down the highway toward him. He could almost see the shape of a horses head out of the corner of his eye through the passenger side window. In fact there was something there! His eyes flashed to the right, imagining that perhaps a deer had leapt out of the ditch. He braced himself for impact but the dark shadow vanished before he was able to fully turn toward it. There was then a scratching sound on the roof of the vehicle and he caught sight of something in his side view mirror melting into the forest on the other side of the highway.

"Jeezus Christ!" he exclaimed while slamming on the breaks, but by the time he turned around whatever it was had disappeared. Pulling onto the side of the road the man immediately, began to rationalize what might have happened. Could a deer have leapt over his SUV? Possibly but very unlikely, and had it been a bear he'd probably be in the ditch. There were no other options, it definitely wasn't a wolf, there were none in Pennsylvania, at least not outside the sanctuaries. He had heard the coyotes were larger than normal as well, but once again, there was no way one of them could clear his SUV in one stride. No, he finally resigned to the fact that it was probably a large crow, or a raven swooping over and just skidding across the roof of his truck. That had to be it. Satisfied, he had solved the mystery the man pulled back onto the highway and proceeded into the town of Kane. More than ever he needed that coffee or maybe something a little stiffer. He had decided that he needed to take a break, and so as he drove through the streets he began to look for accommodations.

The town of Kane was nestled at the edge of the Allegheny National Forest; over five hundred thousand acres of forest land spanning four counties. It was one of the top six vacation spots in the US, but with Autumn approaching, the town was quiet during the transitional period from Summer to Winer activities.

Brickyard road eventually hit a street called Biddle, and ran west to east. Not sure which way to go, the man hung a right and simply followed his instincts which usually steered him right but he was fortunate to spy a sign to a motel down Smith lane. As he followed the dark winding road which was well off the beaten trail the man was beginning to have his doubts until he rounded a corner and arrived at the Wolves Den Efficiency Motel. He still had his doubts, however, as there were no other cars around and the place looked abandoned but then he spied the glow of a tv inside the main office and as he pulled up an outside light flicked on.

The main office wasn't anything to write home about. A tack forest scene wallpaper, faded from over exposure to light covered most of the walls and old mangy stuffed wolf was set beside a fake fire place adjacent to the counter.

"Good evening." Greeted the man at the front desk as the stranger walked in.

The man nodded as he approached the counter and the night auditor stared at him curiously. "Y'know, there's plenty of other places in town ta stay. There's the Kane Manor Country Inn, the Kane motel, and the Hilltop Suites. Just make sure to avoid the Buckhorn Hotel, not unless you're lookin' for a fight."

The man wasn't sure what to say. He'd never before been at a motel that tried to send potential customers somewhere else. "This seems fine. You're are open right?" he asked, speaking perfect english with a slight german accent.

"Oh, yes sir. Please sign in."

The man signed the book and passed it back. The auditor, reviewed the name and took a key off the wall.

"You're number five. Have a pleasant stay, Mr. Nak... Nast..."

"It's pronounced, 'Nau-h-t-brook'. Just call me Strom." Said the man as he took the key.


Last edited by Tiphereth on Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:13 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 2902
Join date : 2009-04-24
Location : Land of Eternal Winter

PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 1:05 am



Standing atop a high ridge a young couple admired the final fleeting moments of the day. A crisp cool wind had picked up and just like the quick setting sun reminded them all the more that seasons were indeed turning.

"Com'on, let's get going." Urged the young man.

"Why? You scared of the dark?" Poked his girlfriend.

He smiled. "No, but I didn't bring a flash light. I forgot how quick the sun goes down this time of year."

"Well, I don't think double-timing it is going to make much of a difference now, Chris." She said looking eastward down the dark Allegheny forest trail. "Besides I don't think light is going to be a problem." She mentioned pointing through a gap in the trees toward the large amber form of the rising moon.

"Wow. Full moon." Chris commented, much calmer knowing that they'd have plenty of light to see by. The trail was well beaten, but there were a couple of sharp turns to it that he'd rather not attempt to maneuver in pitch blackness.

The wind was beginning gust and as the young couple made their way back to Kane. As it howled through the pine trees, they were unnerved a few times by the intensity of the sound as it echoed through the woods.

"Damn. Never heard a wind like that before." Chris remarked.

As they descended down from the ridge they eventually came to the first set of steps. A steep, meandering stairway, set into the side of the hill, lined with ropes for some added stability when required.

"Last one down's a rotten egg." The girl said quickly, playfully punching her boyfriend in the shoulder before taking off down the stairs.

"Sally, wait up." He called trying to keep up, but eventually he had to stop as he began to favor his right leg more and more. His face winced in pain and he bent down to rub his sore ankle which he had injured a week ago at a volleyball tournament. The only time it bothered him was going down hill, so he had to take it slow.

"Hurry up!" He could hear Sally call from down the hill. She was out of sight now and he could just barely make out her foot steps then the howling wind picked up again and nothing was audible over the loud moan.

Chris tentatively made his way down the steep stairway, gripping the heavy rope guide tightly just in case his bad ankle gave out on him. The howling persisted, but then he noticed something that sent chills down his spine. The trees weren't moving at all. There wasn't a stitch of wind, yet the howling was growing louder.

"Holy shit!" Chris whispered to himself when recognized what the sound was, but it wasn't possible. There were no wild wolves in Allegheny, just those in the preserve down in Windy City, south west of Kane. He began to move faster now, the adrenaline coursing through him killing any pain or stiffness that the ankle would have otherwise been feeling.

There was loud howl behind him, and Chris was literally flying down the stairway now. A snapping branch to his right drew his eyes. Nothing, but as he turned them ahead once more he could of swore he saw a pair of glowing eyes watching him from the other direction.

"Shit!" Chris screamed. Maybe it was just his imagination screwing with his mind, but he was freaking out now. "Sally!" He called out, "Sally, where are you!"

He was nearing the end of the first stairway but he couldn't see Sally anywhere. She should have been waiting on the landing for him! Where was she! As he hit the level ground, Chris took off unhindered, sprinting down the trail. She must have continued, he figured, so he kept on going. As he ran on, haphazardly ducking under bending boughs and stumbling over exposed roots he swore he saw something to his left run past him in the forest. Something tall... something upright.

Where the hell was Sally?

"What the hell took ya?" Sally asked, furrowing her brows curiously at the sweaty mess of a man running toward her.

Chris sighed with relief when he saw her sitting on one of the rope rails at the top of the next descending stairway. It was the last flight and after that it was only a fifteen minute hike to the edge of town. Five minutes if they ran it and just what he was planning on doing.

"Are you okay?" She asked "You're drenched in sweat." Sally was getting nervous when she saw the fear in Chris' eyes as he slowed down before her. "You're starting to freak me out. What's going on?"

"Let's just keep moving, I'll tell ya later." He answered, taking her hand and leading the way down the stairway as fast as they both could go.

"Chris, what is it!"

"Just keep moving!"

There was a loud noise behind them, but Chris didn't look back. He just gripped Sally's hand tightly, pulling her along with him. They were at the middle of their descent now and there was only the sound of the wind rushing through the trees. Maybe whatever was after them gave up? Chris just continued to grip, Sally's hand and draw her along with him, they were moving along smoothly when she suddenly pulled back so hard that his shoulder was near wrenched from the socket as his legs flew into the air. For a moment he was weightless. Everything spun around him then there was a loud thud in his ears, a dull crack that he realized was the sound of his own skull striking one of the wooden stairs. There was a hot pain pouring down his spine then a cool sensation washed over him before all went black and the last thing he would hear were the blood curdling screams of his girlfriend fading nto the distance.

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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 10:25 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden stopped just outside of Kane, pulling off to the side of the road and stepping out. The road was basically deserted this late, but she needed to stretch her legs and check the map.

She'd been in the United States for 6 months now and found that for every similarity she saw between this country and her beloved Scotland, she saw two differences. But, the differences weren't all bad. Her and her family had plenty of money to support what they did, but they didn't flaunt it. Hell, her mother still had the old wringer/washing machine from when she herself had been a little girl and still used it when the weather permitted to hang the clothes up on the clothesline. But, they had the money for Jayden to come over to the Americas and acquire what she needed for the battles ahead.

Looking at the map after stretching a bit, she was leaning over the hood of her car, looking at the map with a small flashlight when she heard the howling. She straightened up, pointing the flashlight into the trees on both sides of the road. Again, the howling and she was positive it wasn't wind as the trees weren't moving. She folded up the map and climbed back into her car, looking over at the sawed off shotgun in the passenger seat. She carried a permit to transport weapons as a weapons collector and was able to bring a few of her favored weapons, but the others she'd had to buy herself. Having all of the credentials she needed from Scotland, again being a weapon's collector, she'd been able to buy most of what she'd needed, which wasn't much. Jayden was a no nonsense kind of girl and felt the best approach to finishing business was the quickest and simplest route.

Sighing, she now knew she was in the right spot, but she had to get some sleep first. She began driving again, heading on into town when she saw a small Motel 6 on the outskirts of town and pulled in. She climbed out of the rental car, a ford focus, and entered the office seeing a young woman sitting behind the counter.

"I'd like a room, if ye please." Her brogue wasn't as thick as it was when she first arrived, but it was definately still there and the girl looked up at her, studying Jayden.

"Yes, I be from Scotland, a room."

The girl smiled at her, having her sign in then taking her money and handing her the card to room 12. As she was walking out of the office, she turned just at the door and asked, "I didn' ken ye all had wolves still roaming aboot around here. I 'eard the 'owling a little spell ago." Her green eyes narrowed as she took in the way the girl's facet paled and her eyes filled with fear.

"Ummmm......we don't have wolves here, ma'am. They're down at the preserve, but none run wild here."

Jayden thought for a second then spoke again, "I see......well then, I'd best be gettin' ta me room. Ye'd best be locking up, lass. I'll check out in the mornin'."

With that, Jayden climbed into the car and drove the short ways down to room 12. As she carried her beat up leather satchel that carried her clothes and personal hygiene items along with a smaller satchel that carried her 'toys' and ammo, she scanned her surroundings, noting just how far she was from her room to the office.....her room to her car.....and her room to the road. Then she went inside, locked up tight and proceeded to strategically place various silver bladed knives, pistols with silver ammo around the room. There was a gun under the bed and behind the t.v., a knife under the mattress on the side she would be sleeping and another pistol under her pillow and her sawed off shotgun under the covers next to her. All guns she made sure were loaded beforet showering, taking one of the handguns with her to the bathroom and keeping it with her at all times until she went to bed, then she placed it back under the bed. Laying down, she slept and anyone not knowing her would think she was deeply asleep, but that couldn't be further from the truth. She was sleeping, but would wake up at the drop of the hat.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 12:40 am


The growing beam of light penetrated the darkness of the motel room as the door slowly creaked open. Silhouetted by the colourful glow of the patio lanterns that were strung along the overhang of the boardwalk, Strom's muscular build stood motionless at the doorway. He reached into the pocket of his half-length leather coat and pulled out a pouch, then squatted down and carefully emptied some of its contents along the threshold before entering. Carefully stepping over the grey coloured line, he turned on the lights, closed the door and tossed his bag on the bed closest to the door.

Strom was completely aghast. He stared in horror at the clashing colours, patterns and tacky wall hangings before him. Nothing frightened him more than bad design and America seemed to be full of it, but he was biased. Since his arrival, his lodgings were just one long string of motel rooms, and not the nicest or more expensive ones. He was on a fixed budget and settled for what he could afford, but the beds were always comfortable and more than often the water was warm, so he couldn't complain much. Better than sleeping in his truck, which he did a lot of as well.

He gave the room a quick inspection. Checked to see if the water was hot, made sure the TV had some good movie selections, saw if the mini-fridge worked, the normal stuff. Then he pulled out a talisman on a long silver chain and draped it over the wall mounted lamp beside the bed. The large twirling silver pentacle glimmered in the light, the reflection of the five pointed star dancing off the walls while he recited a passage in German from a very old looking book. Also the normal stuff, at least for him.

The last one had been bad. He couldn't be sure if anything had followed him, so he was taking a few extra precautions, just in case. When he was done reading from the book, he tucked it back into his coat pocket and tossed that onto a nearby chair. Strom then, flopped down on the bed and in a matter of minutes was asleep.

It was a cool, cloudy morning. The scent of rain was in the air and to north dark clouds were gathering. Strom, breathed in the fresh air as he locked his motel room door. He found the chill in the air invigorating and almost felt going for a jog. That is if he had the proper gear and he didn't positively despise the mundane exercise. A good hike, though, combined with some chin-ups and push-ups, now that was more his style. First thing on the agenda, however, was breakfast.

Strom got into his truck, headed down Smith lane and hung a right back towards town, up route six. A few minutes later he was at the heart of Kane where the highway officially became Fraley Street, but further south it turned into what American's once referred to as the Mother Road.

"Route 66." Strom whispered to himself as he leaned on the steering wheel looking southward.

Straight ahead of him he then noticed a large white sign jutting out from an old building that read the 'Arlington Hotel Restaurant'. It looked as good a place as any to get some eggs, but then he caught sight of another establishment to his left. It was called the Black Cherry Cafe and Restaurant, and was located on the main level of a very well maintained old five story brick building. It had large windows giving one a good view of the downtown area, so Strom decided to try that place out. Swinging his truck around he parked on the side of the almost vacant street and wandered in the cafe.

Seemed he was the first one at this early hour. The sign at the front said 'please seat yourself' and so that's just what he did, sliding into a booth by one of the windows looking out onto Greeves Street and down Fraley which seemed to, Strom to be the major route through the small city.

"Good morning." Greeted a perky young server as she placed a coffee cup and cutlery on the table.

"Gud morning." Strom reciprocated as accepted the menu.



"House blend?"

"That would be fine."

The waitress scampered off and returned a few moments later with a pot and filled his cup, then left while he perused the menu. Strom was hungry and was looking for the largest meal he could get and there it was, the 'Hungry Like A Wolf' platter. Amusing, the German thought and apparently so did the waitress.

"I came up with that name." She proudly informed him as she jotted down his order. Then before she headed back to the kitchen she turned to apologize in advance that if it got busy that his order might be delayed, since she was alone this morning. "Sally was supposed to be in this morning, but she didn't show up. She hasn't even called in." she said rolling her eyes.

Strom just nodded with a feigned concern as he handed back the menu.

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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 6:21 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden woke around 7 in the morning and laid there for a few minutes thinking about home and her family. She missed them but knew that she was needed over here in the Americas more than she was needed in Scotland. Sighing, she rose from the lumpy bed and headed to the bathroom to shower. She had set her things up the night before so that she could just get up, get showered, get dressed and then repack and leave. So, her personal hygiene things were already in order in the bathroom. There were a lot of things that Jayden would go without, but her special shampoo, conditioner and body lotion wasn't among them. She had two favorite scents.....warm vanilla and lavender. This morning she used the vanilla, and when she finished the whole room smelled as if it were a bakery instead of a dingy motel room. It wasn't overpowering once she stepped outside, it was just that within the closed confines of the room the shampoo, conditioner and body lotion scents had nowhere to dissipate.

Once finished, she packed everything neatly into her bag, dressed in a pair of black, hip-hugging jeans, a dark green short-sleeved t-shirt, black hiking boots, and a light brown suede jacket. Her dark auburn hair was left flowing freely and her light green eyes were shadowed with a hint of eye shadow. Next was the gathering of her weapons and again, they were put neatly into their own bag. She took a quick look around, making sure that she'd hadn't forgotten anything, left the room and stopped at the office to check out. This time it was an elderly man at the desk who said very little and only gave her a glance when she spoke with her accent.

Jayden climbed back into her rental and headed into town, her stomach growling in hunger. She spotted the Black Cherry Cafe and pulled into a parking spot on the side of the road. Upon entering, she immediately looked around, taking everything many windows, what direction they faced, the exits that she could see, how many customers and how many workers. Once satisfied, she walked to the back of the small restaurant and sat down in the corner booth, her back to the wall. The waitress came up to her with a glass of water and a friendly hello.

"Hi....what can I get for you?"

"I'd like a cup of coffee....cream and sugar for starters. Then I be gettin' the morning sunrise....eggs runny an' hashbrowns crisp. Add two strips o' bacon an' a large chocolate milk."

"You're not from around here, are ya?"

Smiles, "No, lass I'm not. I be from northern Scotland and I be a might hungry."

"Oh, I'm sorry.....I'll get it out to you as soon as I can. We're short-handed right now. Sally, the other waitress didn't show up, so I'm it."

"That's fine, lass....just get me my cup o' coffee with the cream n' sugar. The rest can come in good time."

The waitress smiled to have her understanding that her breakfast may take time to get to her and hurried off to do the best she could. Jayden sat there, looking around sipping her water. Beneath her jacket she wore a hidden 3 inch Scottish dagger, the blade inlaid with silver. Each of her boots carried a boot knife that she could get to quickly and beneath her shirt she wore a pentacle encircled with celtic knotwork. Her coffee came rather quickly and she doctored it with the sugar and cream, sipping it as she waited for her breakfast.
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Location : Land of Eternal Winter

PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 12:06 pm


As Strom drank his coffee he stared out the window and down the street that was near perpendicular to the Black Cherry. Not much traffic, but it was early yet, plus it was currently the off-season for the tourist haven, probably why a lot of the businesses were busy with renovations in preparation for the winter activities. He noticed this as he drove around town after leaving the 'Wolves Den Motel'.

Prior to seeking out a restaurant he thought he would see some the sights and ended up stopping by a park on the west side of town. He had parked the truck and stepped out for a short walk to stretch his legs before breakfast. Enjoying the chilled wind on this face, Strom made his way through Evergreen park, then followed a street called Ash a ways, which ended in the dense woods of the Allegheny. The last house at the end of the street was a picturesque yellow coloured colonial style house which seemed very inviting. In the front yard was a father pushing his son on a swing mounted to a large oak tree. The boy, bundled in a brightly coloured sweater to ward the chill of the morning, laughed and giggled, his long blonde hair flying away in the wind. He was the spitting image of his father, a large man with red blonde hair who easily cradled the four year old in the air, holding the swing at its apex and letting it tumble back down. The father had right away noticed the stranger, and Strom could tell he was on guard, so he smiled to break the tension.

"Good morning." he called out.

"Morning." Replied the man, and the boy just smiled widely and waved, "You don't sound Dutch?" he observed.

Strom smiled. "Good ear. No, I am not Pennsylvania Dutch I am from Germany."

"Ah. Visiting then?"

Strom stood before the short picket fence staring at the man. He and the boy had a 'glimmer', which was why he noticed them in the first place. Not all 'visionaries' and 'supernatural' creatures had it, but if one conditioned themselves to spot it, as Strom had, the faint sheen became apparent. Strom could tell that the father, however, had no idea that he was 'different'. The majority of them were in fact oblivious of their gifts, but seeing the joy on the face of boy with his father was a precious illusion that, Strom felt was worth preserving.

"Yes." Answered, Strom, "I am driving across your states."

The man beamed at the idea of traveling across country, his blue eyes sparkling almost magically in the sunlight. He smiled and turned his attention once more to his son, whose eyes were even more radiant than the father's.

"Good-bye." Bid Strom as he turned around to head back the way he had come.

"You take care now and mind the woods." Said the man.

'Mind the woods?', considered Strom. He turned around, to inquire specifically what the man was alluding to, but he had already plucked his boy out of the swing and carried was carrying him up the front steps onto the veranda.

The sound of the platter being plunked down in front of him brought, Strom back into reality.

"Here ya go." Said the server as she placed a bottle of ketchup and tray of jellies on the table.

"Thank you." Said Strom as he quickly turned to face her and that's when he noticed that she had been crying.

He normally wasn't one to pry, believing that there was very fine line between being rude and concerned but he asked anyway, "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, I..." The server who's name tag said Brandy, pondered telling her troubles to a total stranger but the man seemed genuinely interested so she didn't see a problem with letting him know what was troubling her. "I just got a call, from Sally's Mom. She said that Sally never came back from her hike last night. She's calling the Sheriff right now."

"Couldn't she just be at a friend's?" Posed Strom as he glanced around the restaurant for eavesdroppers.

His stylized semi circle shaped booth was fairly exposed, but a good distance away from the few other customers that arrived since he placed his order. There was an older couple ahead of him, and adjacent he could just make out the back of the dark haired woman who was several tables away. Thankfully sound didn't travel very well in the restaurant, keeping things private; he could just barely make out the previous exchange of words between Brandy and the woman, but he did detect a foreign accent of some kind. Seemed like some uptight tourist type.

"Her Mom said she called everyone. She even went to her boyfriend's place and his roommate said the he hadn't come home either. She called here praying that Sally was at work. I'm really worried about her."

Strom could see how concerned, Brandy was. He immediately assessed that she knew this, Sally quite well and wouldn't be so worried if wasn't warranted. Still it seemed a little odd to him, something was missing from the equation.

"You said she was out hiking?" Asked Strom as he poured some ketchup on piece of toast.

Brandy was momentarily distracted by the uncommon eating habit. "Yes." she answered with an alarming flick of her eyes. The kind that people made when they were hiding something.

Strom remembered the father earlier that morning, and his foreboding warning about the woods. "Is there something about the forest, Brandy?" He asked, using the girl's name in a personal fashion to put her at ease.

The girl looked around nervously, then leaned in close. "We're not supposed to talk to tourists about it," she whispered as she added some more coffee to his cup, "bad for business, y'know, but there's been some attacks round here. They say it's some rogue cougar or something."

"Not the kind stalking young men a figure." Strom joked to break the tension and the girl smiled, "Thank you for telling me, Brandy and I am sure that your friend is okay." he lied to put her more at ease.

As the waitress walked off to do her coffee rounds she was in fact a little more relieved after speaking with the German. It felt good to at least tell one tourist the truth, though she wasn't about to make a habit of it, rules were rules. She just couldn't resist telling the good looking man about the mountain lion. There was something about him, something she couldn't quite put her finger on, but he made her feel better... more secure.

Strom was sure there was something out in the woods. A sick mountain lion might be the cause of the attacks but he had his doubts, he'd know more after he poked around a little more. He wolfed down his meal and intercepted Brandy as she was about to pick up the foreign woman's meal.

"Wow! You were 'hungry like a wolf'." Commented the girl.

Strom laughed at the pun. "I was wondering if you could tell me where your friend was hiking?"

Brandy was curious why he was asking, but she didn't see in any harm in letting him know. The guy seemed like he might be a cop or something. "There's trails west of town. They intersect Kane road, its off of Maple Street, you can't miss it."

Strom gave the girl a quick wink as he handed her a generous tip. "Thank you." he said then made his way out of the restaurant to his red Tahoe parked out front of the very window beside which he had been sitting.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 5:05 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden sipped her coffee and watched the few patrons who had come in. She'd noticed the big blond man right away and took him for a tourist like herself, after she didn't pay him much mind except that her gaze kept going to him. Something about him......she mentally shrugged her shoulders and dismissed it. She had a sixth sense about some things and people were one of them...sometimes. She definately had a sixth sense about this town. Something was off, she could feel it. Her green eyes spotted the waitress again and this time her eyes were rimmed in red, the tip of her nose red as well, as if she'd been crying. She watched as she spoke to the blond man, but couldn't hear what was said. Whatever he said to her helped, because she looked a little better after speaking with him. She watched him as he stood up, said a few more words to the waitress and then left.

Brandy came over to her table then with her order and Jayden smiled at her. "Is anythin' amiss, lass?" She took a bite of eggs and then added a little salt and some pepper before taking another bite.

"I'm not sure, ma'am. The other waitress.....well, it seems that she's missing."

Swallows her bite of egg, "Missing, ye say?"

"Yes, and her boyfriend, too."

Another bite of egg, "Well, ye think maybe they be holed up somewhere's having o'bit of fun?"

"No, not Sally. She wouldn't do that to her mom without calling her first. I'm worried that maybe they got hurt while out hiking yesterday. The woods aren't always safe."

This caught Jayden's attention, but she didn't let on, "Hiking ye say. Aye, maybe they strayed off the trail and got lost or took a tumble. I be an experienced hiker and came here ta do just that. Do ye ken where aboot's they went, lass?"

It took Brandy a second to figure out what Jayden meant before she answered. "I'm not sure, but I think they went up the main trail, just west of town intersecting with Kane road off of Maple." She wondered if she should say anything about the cougar and decided against it. She'd already said to much to the big man.

"Well, I'd be happy ta take a look aboot while I'm out. I be going hiking today, just have ta get me gear."

"Just be careful, miss. Every now and then a wild animal comes into the area."

"Jayden....the name be Jayden lass and doan ye worry none. I'll be plenty careful. I be doin' this for some time now."

"Thank you, Jayden. Maybe between you, the big blond guy and the police someone will find them."

"I'm sure someone will, lass. Doan ye worry much. I bet they got enamored with each other and fell asleep beneath a big tree."

Brandy smiled at Jayden before she walked away as Jayden finished her breakfast, her thoughts running wild. That sixth sense she had was going amuck and she knew now that she was right on target. Something was going on in these woods and she had a feeling that it wasn't good.

Finishing her breakfast, coffee and downing her chocolate milk she left Brandy a nice tip and left, climbing into her small rental car and heading to Kane Road.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 6:37 pm


Strom closed the door of his truck and headed into the main office of the Wolve's Den Motel. He had feeling that, Brandy there was probably one of the local gossip girls, what with the water works over the mere mention of her friends disappearance. Anything for attention, that's how these 'needy' people were, he guessed, but there was some truth to her concern. That and her mention of the cougar attacks had sparked his interest, but he needed more information to support his theory before he went off traipsing through the woods.

The old, mangy wolf stared menacingly at him as Strom walked into the office, and the stuffed wolf by the fake fireplace didn't look too pleasant either.

"How can I help ya, sir?" Asked the scruffy old man behind the counter, the replacement of the younger man who worked the night shift and no doubt the owner of the motel, Strom figured.

"Hi, I checked in last night. The name's N —"

"Nachtbruck." The older man finished, pronouncing the name perfectly, "Yeah, my nephew told me about ya. So, how ya likin' it here so far?"

"Its nice." Strom answered, nodding and thrusting his hands into pockets as he looked out the window toward the scenic woods, "Might go hiking a little later on."

"Plenty a nice trails, west a town."

"That's what I've been told. I've heard a rumor about some mountain lion attacks in the area. Know anything about it?"

The old man was quiet for a while, stroking his grizzled white beard while he assessed the man before him. "You a cop or something?"

Strange question Strom thought. He shook his head. "Just passing through."

The motel manager narrowed his eyes and gave Strom a hard stare. "We've been trying to keep a lid on it." he finally said "You understand. It's bad for business. If people don't feel safe there not gonna come around. We gotta few people though who don't know how to keep there bloody mouths shut."

Strom smiled. "I think I ran into one."

"Yeah, well, I guess they're just scared. About a month ago, some kids went missing. They were some of the local troublemakers so nobody really gave a rat's ass 'bout them, but after a few days people began to worry. We formed search parties and after a few days found the bodies of two of them up round 'Crooks Forks'. They were pretty beat up. One had been clawed and bitten to death by something big and the other looked as though she died from hitting her head on something, the third one was never found."

"So you think its a mountain lion?" Questioned Strom, sensing that this man knew a lot more than he was saying.

Once more the old man gave the German a hard stare. "What the hell else would it be, son?"

Strom didn't answer, he just nodded and made his way out of the office. "Thank you." he bid the man as he opened the door and made his way toward his truck. He got in, and drove back the way he came toward highway 6 and there paused and pondered which way he should go. Currently he was on the east side of town and the girl Sally and her boyfriend were hiking on the trails beyond the west side. He considered for a moment driving up Kane road, but then something else occurred to him. He made a left and started driving east.

Last edited by Tiphereth on Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 1:56 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden took her time driving through the small town, taking in the peacefulness of it. Her green eyes turned somber as she wished that it was truly like this, but she knew that it wasn't. She knew that monsters hid in every corner of the world. Even a place like Kane wasn't safe, though she wished differently. She saw the children beginning to come out to enjoy what nice weather was left of autumn. It would be pretty chilly in her hometown of Halkirk in northern Scotland. She'd gotten a call from her mum earlier and had pulled over in a gas station to take the call on her cell phone. It would seem that her blasted cousin had wasted some of their 'fighting' money on gambling and even though it wasn't an ungodly amount, it still left a dent in their funds. She sighed thinking about that and knowing that she would have to use resources she didn't like using in order to gather any other weapons she may need.

She turned off onto Maple Street and found the intersections of the trails with Kane Road. Pulling off to the side where cars could park without blocking traffick. She slid the stepped out of the little Ford Focus and looked around. No one was out and about yet, something she was grateful for. She looked at the beautiful trees and the trails that disappeared into them. Walking to the trunk, she looked around again, making sure noone was watching and took the Beretta Storm 9 mm sub-compact out of the duffel bag, checked the clip and slid it her waistband at her back, beneath her coat. She then grabbed two extra clips, checked them and slid them into the inner pockets of her suede jacket. She had her boot knives on her as well as a 4 inch long Scottish dagger at her side, the sheath strapped to her belt.

She then pulled her pentacle necklace out from beneath her shirt and raised it to her lips, kissing it as she closed her eyes, murmuring a prayer up to her Goddess. Closing the trunk, she made sure her car was locked up tight before turning around and facing the woods again.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 2:44 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Sheriff_mack_stone

Sheriff Stone turned south down Kane road, carefully searching the woods as he slowly drove down the winding hard packed roadway. He knew that the chances of him spotting anything from a vehicle were pretty slim but while his deputies were combing the woods he wanted to take a quick drive just to satisfy his curiosity. That, and he needed a drink. Slipping the silver flask out of the glove box, the Sheriff checked his rear view mirror and took a quick nip. The alcohol was rejuvenating, waking up his dulled senses and it was a good thing because just as he lowered the flask from his lips he had quickly swerve out of the way of a vehicle pulled onto the side of the road. It was parked well out of the way, but the Sheriff, who hadn't really been paying attention had started to drift when he came upon the Ford Focus.

Skidding around the car, the Sheriff slammed on the breaks and looked over his shoulder as he swore to himself. When he saw he woman standing by the car he quickly tossed the flask back into the glove compartment and threw a stick of gum in his mouth to disguise any traces of alcohol left on his breath.

"What the f***k was she doing?" The Sherrif pondered.

Stepping out of the truck, the officer wandered over, taking note that the license plates were those of a rental. A tourist, he surmised and wondered if she'd seen anything in her travels.

"Good morning." Called out the officer, "I'm Sheriff Stone. Sorry I didn't see your car pulled over to the side there, I was wondering if you've seen anything out of the ordinary in your travels this morning?"

The Sheriff wasn't about to reveal anything about his investigation. It was unlawful to discuss a missing person or any other investigation for that matter until such time as they had hard evidence. Even, still, Stone always remained tight lipped around tourists and he urged everyone in the town to conduct themselves in a similar fashion. All he wanted to know, was if she had seen anything odd, and if she started to question why, he wouldn't risk jeopardizing his investigation by giving anything a way to this outside.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 6:39 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden turned, hearing the squeal of tires, her green eyes opening wide as she watched the police car swerve to miss the rental she was standing next to. Even though she had her small Beretta in her waistband at her back, no one would have been the wiser as she was used to having to speak people, police included, when on the hunt and her jacket was long enough and big enough not only was there no bulge to give anything away but if she raised her arms it wouldn't ride up enough to show the small pistol. The same with the clips inside of the jacket.

She smiled when the sheriff stepped out and introduced himself to her, acting the part of tourist. "Hello Sheriff. I apologize if I be parked in the wrong place. I thought this here was the spot to park to go up on the trails."

She waited for him to get closer before answering his question, taking in his appearance in a quick glance. He was tired, that much was obvious and she felt a twinge of sympathy for the small town sheriff.

"Please to be making ye acquaintance, Sheriff Stone. Me name is Jayden.....Jayden Warrick. Ye have a beautiful little town here, but no, I have not noticed anything amiss while out and aboot this mornin'. Be there somethin' wrong, Sheriff?"

When he made up some reason as to why he had asked, she simply nodded her head to him, although she'd already surmised that he was searching for the missing kids.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 8:24 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Sheriff_mack_stone

Sheriff Stone sized up the Scottish woman in the first few moments of their meeting. She definitely wasn't a hiker that was for damn sure, and while eliminating that fact hardly narrowed down the choices, he'd seen her type before. Every since the killings had started in Kane, all the nuts started to roll in. Paranormal investigators, monster hunters, thrill seekers, what ever they called themselves they were all the same to Stone — 'A pain in his ass!'. He wondered if it was a coincidence that the last one who arrived in town a few months ago was also from her neck of the woods, or maybe he was Irish, he couldn't remember, didn't really care to. They all sounded the same to him.

The last thing, Stone needed was some fanatic spreading rumours about supernatural monsters stalking the woods. Once that got out, they'd have a town full of freaks to deal with while he struggled to conduct a serious investigation. Something out there was killing people and it wasn't a goddam werewolf. He had his own theories, but needed time to prove them and every time these 'hunters' showed up they pushed him back a precious step.

Normally, Stone would've been honest and informed the tourist that they were searching for some missing hikers, but this Jayden Warrick was no tourist. He was sure of it. Stone eventually ran the last one of town, so it was only a matter of time before this Highlander danced her way back the way she came, but she hadn't done anything yet to warrant a warning and so the Sheriff treaded lightly at this time.

"What brings you to our fair CITY, Miss Warrick? You're not our typical tourist type round here." He questioned, his face turning more sour by the second. He had purposely placed some added emphasis on the city part, taking some offense to Kane being referred to as a small town.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 8:58 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden didn't miss the contempt in the sheriff's voice and thought about being honest with the man. Then again, sometimes only half the truth was better than the whole truth. She smiled at him then, "Okay, Sheriff. I ken that ye figured out I'm not a regular tourist. I am here ta study why an animal would attack people suddenly. I'm not 'ere ta cause trouble or hurt ye businesses n' anythin' I be finding I be more than happy ta share with ye n' I never planned on sharin' any of me finding's with anyone til speaking with ye or ye mayor first. I'm not in the habit of destroying others lives."

Of course, she had no intention of doing any of that, but she was there to see if the attacks were animal or other. If it were animal, which she highly doubted, then she would be more than happy to tell the sheriff what she found. If not, then she would take care of it and be on her way.

When she saw that he retained the sour look, she raised her hands in surrender. "How aboot this then. I AM a seasoned hiker and would luv ta explore this beautiful forest. So, may I go hiking and while I be hiking I'll take a look around. If I see anything out of the ordinary I will call ye, immediately and not disturb what I find. Would tha' be acceptable, Sheriff Stone?"
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSun Aug 29, 2010 11:06 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Sheriff_mack_stone

The Sheriff grinned widely, the awkward toothy smile of a man who didn't do it all that often. He had to admit he liked her style, but he'd bust her ass just the same if she screwed up his investigation or started spreading rumors of unnatural beasts lurking in the woods.

"You find something and I mean anything, you let me know. You got that?" Ordered Stone.

The Sheriff figured that another pair of capable hands couldn't hurt so long as she go all Xena Warrior Princess on some psycho in a wolf suit, which was what he was betting on. He was pretty sure it was just a man, a schizo or something who believed he was a werewolf.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 12:15 am


Greendale cemetery was a little over half of mile from the Wolves Den motel. Strom had noticed it on the map and had decided to pay it a visit before he would allow himself to believe that a werewolf was plaguing the city of Kane. Being aware of the dark veil that all but a few like him were blind to could naturally make one paranoid and so Strom had trained himself to use his head before his weapons.

Before he risked the charade of portraying some sort of law enforcement officer (which was really difficult with a German accent) or checking the old newspapers which he had learned were at the local library, he liked to go straight to the source. He drove slowly, meandering through the winding roads until he spied what he was looking for; a fresh grave. The first one he found was a local that had died over a month ago, then he found another buried one month prior to that. Further investigation would be required to verify that these people were in fact victims of a wild animal attack, but Strom would bet they were and that they both died during a full moon. A chill ran up his spine as he considered what he might be up against. Werewolves were supposed to be vicious creatures, he had read about them in one of his grandfather's books back in Germany. Unlike what was portrayed in the movies, they were extremely hard to kill. Silver bullets were virtually useless against them unless you hit them in just the right spot.

Back at his truck, Strom leaned against the door and lit up a cigarette. He was finally down to a few a day, but it was during the stressful times, like going up against an enormous humanoid-wolf that he slipped up.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 6:22 pm


Yerick lay there the wind whistling past him as he lay very still if he moved god knows where he would be honest I will tell you where Yerick is....he was taking some transport as always low on cash with only pocket change his only method was to stowaway or hitch a ride....a normal person would ask for a drive or try and sneak onto a train...well yes he was on a train to break it lightly...on the roof of it laying down on it in a small indent between two things which protruded from the roof of the carriage the wind whistling over him the temperature was freezing but he was used to such things...why complain when you were in Russia only a week he was here he had slipped onto a cargo freighter which went to America it had been getting a little too serious for him in Russia to hide anymore.

Yerick had decided on this little trip for very few reasons mainly his interest in the area...and the records of death much like the German had with his visit to the graveyard Yerick had found...on the internet...on a borrowed laptop no comments on where he acquired the item from but he accessed the morgues details finding to his vast interest...people being killed on full moons he unlike the other two loved to hunt...not long ago maybe two years there was no need to go reminiscing about past times but they were sure fun.

Yerick looked down to a battered Rolex watch it was seriously beaten and...dry blood was encrusted to its strap Yurick smiled at the time getting up the wind trying to pull him from the roof he could see Kane was time to get off before they realised he was around he waited.... and waited then a pylon whizzed by he leaped straight after this....he hit the ground his momentum still not lost he bounced along for a good distance gravel cutting and slicing into his head and coat till finally he came to a stop bruised and battered he sat up... “Yebatʹ radi ya budu zarabatyvatʹ denʹgi, i ostanovitʹ vse eto poezd prygal derʹmo!” Speaking fluently in Russian as he forced himself up a slight shiver as he ached all broken bones though always a positive so he began his walk pulling a hand drawn map copied from Google earth when he had borrowed this lovely laptop which he hadn’t owned may I add.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 10:21 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11"Okay, Sheriff. Ye 'ave an agreement", she said with a smile. "I find anything suspicious, I be giving ye a call immediately an' I willna disturb what I find."

Jayden picked up her small backpack that was up against her small car. It looked normal enough.....3 bottles of water, map of the area, sunscreen, small first aid kit...normal things you would see on a backpack. Inside in hidden, padded pockets were extra clips with silver bullets. But if you opened it up, all you would see were small bags of mountain trail mix...she was a sucker for the m&ms and nuts.......small bags of beef jerky, and a couple of snickers bars. She already had on hiking boots and okay clothing for a hike, so she decided to get started.

"I be lettin' ye ken if'n I find anything." She turned to get started, stopped and turned back around, "Oh, just so ye ken, I be heading up to the stairway I read aboot in the little tourist pamphlet at the motel. Just so ye ken where I be going."
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 10:39 pm


Yerick unlike the others had no idea where the attacks happened or the proper layout of Kane he was walking through the woods casually strolling as he looked down to his... ‘map’ He smiled as he thought he was close he stopped for a breath he had practically had to dodge what four different groups of men seeming to be combing the woods for something. He soon realised he had come out on a clearing he tilted his head slightly as he looked around himself the grass was cut short no natural clearing would look so neat...a tourist attraction? He gave a shrug he wasn’t in need of sightseeing he turned his head seeing the first landing of steps he sighed as he saw a chain sawed stump of a tree a perfect sitting place he walked over decided to take a break still aching he could feel blood trickling from a cut just on the hairline of his forehead. “Yebat’!” Lifting his cut hand to try and wipe the blood away...he just felt as though he had jumped into the glass bin naked but it was the only way to get around for him so once again he forced himself not to compain anymore.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 11:28 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Sheriff_mack_stone

Sherrif Stone looked up toward the ridge that the woman was headed. "Have fun." he told her, "It's a decent climb." He started back to his vehicle, thankful to not have to traverse the stairs and that's when they heard it. A blood curdling scream, echoed down the ridge, followed by another cry, this one more masculine.

"Jeezus." Cursed Stone as he peered through the woods toward the trail where the first set of stairs began. Then when he heard the third distinct call of distress, he ran to his truck and got on the radio to alert his deputies to the location.

As the Sheriff ran to his vehicle, Jayden could make out that it was indeed the cry of a man. It was difficult to decipher what was being said, but she could clearly make out three words that were being repeated over and over again... 'Oh... my... God'.



Strom flicked the butt of his cigarette to the pavement and stamped it out. He opened the door of his truck and before he got in removed to small baby-food jars filled with earth and placed them on the passenger seat beside his laptop's carrying case. He didn't like much messing with the arcane, but sometimes one could learn a thing or two from the earth of a fresh grave. It was a long shot since he was very practiced in utilizing incantations, he'd only attempt the ritual if it was absolutely necessary. Using black magic or any kind of magic wasn't exactly smiled upon by the community of Visionaries. Use too much and you're welcoming darkness into your soul and maybe even the blade of a hunter into your heart.

He started up the truck and proceeded back to town by the way he had come. As he cut back onto the highway and headed west he couldn't help noticing a road sign that called route 6, Grand Army of the Republic Highway. Strange name to find in America, Strom considered, but then the country had suffered a lot of political upheaval in a comparatively short time to Europe.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 6:26 pm


Yerick had finished wiping the blood from his hands and forehead with a nice stained kerchief when he heard the first of screams to him it was just a scream his time in Russia made the scream seem pathetic in his ears as he slowly stood... “Bingo! Pohozhe, ya mog by pomochʹ, i vy nikogda ne znaete, ya mog by naĭti dlya sebya zhilʹe s politsiyeĭ, yesli ya poĭmal.” The bingo in his sentence seeming almost cheesy and irrelevant in his thick accent with the spews of Russian falling from his lips and to add to the effect he gave a slight grin. A little sick in the head smiling to others misfortune but to him it could be pay day as he began to get across the clearing clenching and unclenching his hands as he walked slowly with a slight limp.

Yerick had gone down almost three of these flights of stairs the sound of screams was getting louder his grin finally wiped off his face as he became serious it was no time to joke or laugh he was on his own here taking he couldn’t assume a werewolf it could have been like they said a normal wild cougar attack on a person. He took the fourth flight down turning at the landing turning to look down the fifth he couldn’t really comprehend exactly what he was seeing for those vital seconds trying to figure what was actually wrong.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 8:46 pm


EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Representative_medium

It was a sickening scene. A young man, covered head to toe in blood was waling and sobbing at the top of lungs while he cradled a severed female arm. The flowing arteries had long since clotted, and it quickly became apparent to any that inspected the arm that it was the source of the majority of the blood that covered him. A small wound on his forehead could be discerned to be the cause of the remaining stains, but aside from that the man appeared to have no other injuries. Not much else of the appendage could be determined until it was relinquished from his death grip, and that wouldn't be any time soon. He was completely incoherent, his eyes wide, the young man stared blankly in the forest, muttering the same words over and over again.

"Don't worry, Sally. I've got you. You're safe now..."

Spatterings of blood could be found all over the scene, but unfortunately no tracks could be readily seen impressed into the hard packed soil of the path. One would have to spend some time inspecting the forest floor before it could be known if the attacker had been man or beast, but time was not on the side of any investigator. Soon the Sheriff and his men would arrive and declare the area a crime scene. There, however, were a few clues that would be apparent to a person of the visionary persuasion. Signs that might assist such a person in determining what had occurred under the first night of the full moon.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 01, 2010 8:08 am

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden stopped when she heard the first scream and looked around, trying to decipher exactly which direction the scream and come from when another one followed, this one more masculine. She wasn't so far up the steps that she couldn't see the sheriff scramble back to his truck, that was when she heard the words echoing through the air, "", over and over. She'd all but made it up the first set of steps and flew back down them. She'd figured out which direction the screams came from and pulling the barretta from the waistband of her jeans at her back, she checked the clip on the run. She got to the bottom of the stairs and ran straight into the tree line.

About a mile in, she stopped, seeing the bloodied young man cradling a severed arm, blood covering him like a full bodied blanket. She quickly held her gun like a pro, flipping the safety off and sliding a round into the chamber,thankful that she'd acquired her American Foid card with the sheriff so close by. She turned in a complete circle, her green eyes scanning the area as she stepped closer to the boy, now standing about fifteen feet from him. She turned to ask a few questions and realized that the boy was in such a state of shock that he wouldn't be answering questions right at that time. Besides, she'd promised the sheriff that she wouldn't mess up a crime scene and didn't want to move around too much, so she stayed put, on guarding the boy in case whatever attacked decided to return.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeWed Sep 01, 2010 10:08 am

Yerick sighed as he had lost them it seemed as he looked left and right looking down he probed the earth with a finger....lifting it he frowned red ,no wait it was blood he had found a small patch of blood without truly realising, lucky! He lifted the finger to his lips licking it. “hmm?” Humming to himself it wasn’t exactly warm anymore he slowly stood back up scanning the ground with a squint till he found what he was looking for a footprint off the beaten track and a rather clear trail leading down he began to jog he almost shuddered at each step with the impact each paced step took on his aching body but he was eating the ground of the mile faster this way into the woods he glimpsed through two trees a man in a semi clearing.

He quickly pulled behind a tree...a mistake as a twig sticking from the tree snapped under him as he hit it....oh...a sigh coming from his lips he wondered if the man had heard his movement to find him unresponsive he jogged forward to the man who was in a daze still shocked. Just by the amount of blood Yerick could tell it weren’t exactly your normal animal he crouched down in front of the man finding no reaction. Yerick looked around seeing what seemed a forced exit point of something on a few trees in a direction he turned back round checking under the nails of the man for blood....he nodded slowly gathering what he could from the shocked man and headed out of the clearing as he looked down he realised he was leaving a slight trail he had accidently stood in some blood and about five bloody boot prints lead to the direction he had taken.

That’s when he heard it the fast steps breaking undergrowth under foot he quickly reached the edge of the clearing and hid behind one of the trees looking back seeing a women enter the scene at some real pace unlike his limped jog he crouched down. He accidently saw a low branch sticking out in front of him with a tuft of hair on it? He snapped this up and stuck it into his pocket one never knew when you needed some spare hair smiling. Yerick peered round to watch the women walk up to the poor victim he lifted an eyebrow, Yebat’! Was all he could think to himself he had to get away that was for sure he probably looked like a suspect and she had a gun, but he decided he would keep an eye on what happened next wondering why she was here? Was she a sheriff or just some gun ho women looking to kill a cougar? Well it didn’t matter to him he looked to the battered Rolex finding it was on the wrong had stopped shame.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2010 1:53 am



Strom headed west on Biddle street then turned north onto Fraley, he was following the hospital signs and at the north end of the city found Kane Community Hospital. He had wanted to investigate the woods but there were a lot of trails and he figured the chances of him finding the right one before sun down were pretty slim. Little did he realize that just as he was pulling into the parking lot that the other hunters had already stumbled upon the most recent victims. Strom probably would not have been so lucky as to pick just the right trail right away and would most likely still be tromping around the woods several hours after the police cordoned off the crime scene. It was better that he focused acquiring information rather than hunting at this point in time and make sure that truly was something supernatural afoot and the hospital seemed to be as good as any place to ask some questions. He wasn't expecting much but then he really didn't need a lot to prove his suspicions.

Strom stepped out of his vehicle and made his way through the main doors of the hospital. He stopped in at the small gift shop in the lobby and purchased a vase of flowers and a 'get well' card then made his way into the west ward which was primarily for patient recovery and rehabilitation.
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PostSubject: Re: EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE!   EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2010 9:48 pm

EPISODE 1 • ALL VAMPIRES MUST DIE! Warric11Jayden looked around the ground, careful not to move any more than she had to so she wouldn't mess up anything the sheriff needed. The boy was still rocking back and forth, holding the arm and mumbling to himself. She felt for the kid, but right now, she wanted to make sure that whatever did this wasn't still around. She could feel eyes watching her, but didn't know from which direction or who or what it was. She held her guy steady, her ears listening, her eyes watching for anything out of the ordinary....not that a boy holding a severed arm was ordinary.

She looked around again and this time she noticed the sun's ray shining on something on a branch of a white birch tree about 15 feet in front of her to the north. She walked over to it, watching where she stepped so she wouldn't disturb any tracks when she saw that there weren't any tracks. "Shite!! What in the bloody hell is going on?" Upon reaching the tree, she grabbed the branch, seeing that there was also a tuft of fur and what looked like a couple of strands of human hair. She snapped the branch, taking about 3 inches of it and stuck it into her inside pocket of her jacket. Then she made her way back to the boy and once again stood guard. The sheriff should be getting here soon and she needed to get back to study what she'd found, but there was no way she was going to leave the boy until he got there.
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