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 Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces

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Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2015 3:56 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 AidanBanner

Aidan nodded and smiled at Carla as she spoke and he went in close, whispering in her ear as LExy and Ean continued to banter in the background, "Yes, the effects of such intense magic rarely kill, to seasoned users anyway. Perhaps one day, you will find out for yourself how to cast magic."

As she looked at him he simply smiled and leaned away form her, turning to Lexy who was coming at Ean again he stepped in between them and spoke, "Alright Lexy, it is fine. No more assaulting your brother."

She laughed and spoke, "I am gon'ta go upstairs and change, though I appreciate your kind words Master Aidan, my brother should have told me you had come."

She feigned anger as she walked by and punched Ean again in the arm. He went back with the impact and could not help but laugh as she went upstairs. Aidan watched her and turned to Ean, "She has always been full of vinegar that one... it is not surprising that one with such passion was chosen to bare the gift."

Ean nodded and rubbed his arm where she had punched him, "Aye, she can be as vicious as Nuckelavee... but I can no help but love her."

Aidan laughed and turned to look at Aurora. Smiling gently he spoke, "And how are you doing after all this Sweet Aurora?" His question was non-suggestive, nor was it pointed, however he knew that she must be holding onto feelings and emotions. During her brief time with him in York she had figured out that Aidan's questions, though sometimes seemingly broad typically found their way into much deeper points of discussion.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2015 9:33 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Aurora10Aurora smiled at the banter but the smile didn't reach her dark eyes even though she was happy that Ean was alive. But his death and that of Erebus' was still too close to the surface. Her eyes looked into Aidan's as he spoke to her and she smiled again.

"As well as can be expected, Master Aidan", she said in a soft voice. She turned to peer out the kitchen window towards the training barn where Erebus' body still lay. Her heart ached for him yet it also soared when she looked at Ean. She'd yet to release her pent up emotions, feeling that she didn't feel right releasing. She felt the others had been through more than she had and if they were standing strong then so could she. All she really wanted to do was curl up in Ean's arms and cry. To let him be her rock for a time.

She walked over to stand next to Ean, "When do we take care of Erebus, Ean? He can't lay in the barn forever", she asked him as she turned her sorrowful gaze up to him yet her eyes were also filled with love for the man she'd lost and yet didn't. She turned back to Aidan, wondering how he would react to a druid being buried within the MacGregor lands and her chin took a stubborn tilt.

"Do you know what Erebus did, Master Aidan? A druid. Like my own father. Both had hearts of gold." A tear slid down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away, pasting a smile on her lips. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to sound rude." She stepped closer to Ean, letting him know in her own way that she was needing his strength. As much as she wanted to be strong her pent up emotions were getting the better of her.

"When do we go after them?", she asked suddenly.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2015 11:45 am

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 ElizabethBanner

"He knows sister, he knows what sacrifice Erebus made, how he did it... everything."

The room turned their heads at the soft, still voice of Elizabeth. Kimiko was right behind her, and looked across the room with a soft, smile. Ean immediately went over and hugged her tightly, not saying a word but his body language gave away everything he was thinking about seeing his sister awake again.

Lexy ran over and wrapped her arms around her big brother and big sister, and the three of them stood in silence, the room watching, embracing in the moment.

As Ean pulled away and wiped a tear form his eyes he smiled and grabbed Aurora's hand, pulling her close to himself. Aidan stepped up and looked at her with a knowing smile, "Yes, as Elizabeth said, I know everything that happened as if I was there myself. While I was upstairs I did a mind seek on Elizabeth to gain knowledge of what transpired so I could determine next steps. I saw what he did, and it is a rare thing to see a Druid make such a selfless sacrifice, and it does shed a small light on the world."

Ean spoke, "He is to be buried with our ancestors, I am sure his won't have him now and I plan to bury him with our own."

Aidan turned and looked at Elizabeth and Lexy before turning back to Ean. He could see the sisters agreement with this decision, even though it was obvious they were hearing it for the first time, "I don't think a higher honor could be bestowed upon him."

As Aidan turned to speak with Kimiko and Elizabeth, Ean turned to Aurora, burying his face into her ear and whispering softly, "Tomorrow morning we will lay him to rest."

Then she turned and looked at him, her eyes full of fire and asked her next question. Ean instinctually pulled her in closer and tighter and whispered lovingly, "Whisht love... all in good time. There are many steps that must be taken so we don't make the same mistakes again."
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 19, 2015 12:17 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Dietrich_zps57091a19

Dietrich awoke slowly having fallen asleep, the meal had been simple but nourishing its flavour still clung to the back of his throat. He had slept straight after he had eaten it wasn't a surprise nightmares clawed at him, the old saying of sleeping after eating proving itself a proven fact. He searched his very memories for what had found itself so benign to enter his dreams, the faint memory of claws and...shadows too many to count he let the thought drop before it angered him instead of Enlightenment. Grumbling under his breath he took in his surroundings to support his sanity he wasn't dreaming still afterall what was worse than thinking the nightmare was over for another scare, pushing his form out of the soft enveloping chair, he began to see why the nightmares had come unrestrained almost suffocating in the soft leather, he had a almost monumental task pulling himself out of the soft cushions as he paced away giving a glare back at the chair for good measure. He reached the window where he could catch the faintest breath of the scottish air the wet smell that just naturally endowed almost everything gradually as he stared out into the greenery of the forest, the soft moss and the long grass it was peaceful even with the rain falling in torrents as he almost wanted to whistle but stopped himself as his gaze fell on something he somewhat disliked.

A single large crow standing at the center of the clearing between the house and the barn Dietrich watched its gait around the clear area the rain practically sliding off its green tinged black feathers as it gave a long caw out into the woods before its beady eyes turned to the cottage its gaze resting on the windows. Dietrich almost swore human intelligence was staring back at him in those marble like surface, he didn't believe it was just a bird for a second, Moving to the chair picking up his axe without the faintest click or sound his hand gripped the well worn leather on the grip, he gave a small note of disapproval a cluck at the black stains that had dripped from the blades he needed to clean it. His huge frame twisting through the door frame on his way out keeping his axe low as he tried to avoid attention seeing the small crowd gathering it lifted the sour mood to see the others were up. He slid out of the crack he gave himself between the heavy door and its frame, he did not see but only heard the flock of crows lift from the house at his back, The barn's roof exploded into a feathered mess as crows which had practically pasted every inch of the roof took off at his approach as he moved to the center of the clearing. Slowly moving in an almost cinematic turn placing one foot around the other the frown coming to him, unable to see his intruder he look over his shoulder feeling the hundreds of eyes on him out of sight, he sniffed the air for more than wet moss and damp air that faint tinge his rot reacted to feeling rather than seeing that all the magic that protected this cottage was still in place as he looked up to the crows circling above and he saw the shape they moved in lowering his own gaze down again.

"They don't ever set off the talismans, the master however?" Speaking of the crows as objects, Dietrich's gaze ran over the treeline till he spotted the always elusive individual the man just out of the treeline, just out of range of the talisman's and wards set up. Dietrich smiled slowly his fondness of the man was much greater than his 'friends' flying around them walking towards the heavy coated man, Dietrich rubbed a thumb on the axes blade its old metal biting a bead of red free from him showing its sharpness, The crow sitting on the mans shoulder gave a croak of a caw so similar to a human laugh it even had Dietrich consider a Ventriloquism. On close inspection Dietrich could see the man was aging as well as one could expect though still wearing the same the black feathered long coat made most evidently from the very feathers of the crows that had set themselves back down on the many branches in the trees the coat in the rain simply repelled the wet stuff as it slid off the glossy tinge of green as if the feathers had never left their crows still new and unplucked.

"The Crow, I didn't expect a visit Mattius?" The man said nothing rolling his arms over each other the sound of raindrops hitting wet dirt as the very sky cried for Erebus. Though the distinct sound of Mattius huge sleeves brushing over each other catching each time was a somewhat 'haunting' sound in the rain. Mattius regarded him with a cold gaze the glasses slipping down onto the crook of his nose his almost bland dull grays examined Dietrich's current state before giving a slow lick to his lips finally parting to speak in the gravelled and croak of a voice from one who smoked way too much and the light bloodshot hinted a good drink.

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 TheCrow_zps42fmd09f

"Purely concerned lad, no council agenda today." The voice breaking on the ending of his sentence having him cough which was almost sounding unhealthy and Dietrich could only watch in some amazement as the corpse pulled a cigarette to his lips and lit the damnable thing with the intense rain it was a mission to keep it lit as almost casually Mattius rolled it from one side of his mouth to the other avoiding the individual drops. Dietrich found his teeth begin to grind in the knowledge this man could see through you in a glance let alone a conversation with eye contact as the crow croaked its bass note across them both as it pecked a drop of rain mid air to save its masters cigarette.

"Attempting to be a rock? You always had a habit drink when your brain conflicts your heart, why don't you go berserk turn a few trees to splinters much healthier for you?" Dietrich gave a chuckle at the idea it wasn't too bad an idea but he knew better than to let anger control him. Mattius gaze did not waver as the thin wisp of smoke rose as Dietrich looked back at the house feeling they wouldn't bite the sanctioned druid from neutral afterall the council allowed him to work for them and he wasn't even in it for the money a perfect hired power of 'evil' or would they bite knowing he hunted corrupted being be they light, neutral or dark he would kill them if they strayed from their calling in 'natures' big cycle.

"Would it stop though?" Mattius grew concerned of the sombre attitude Dietrich was giving off, they had been known each other all the Crows life he had seen Dietrich strained but this was bigger than any event that normally happened in an Elder race lifetime. As Mattius regarded him for the longest time sighing as he rubbed his graying hair the contraption on his wrist exposed only for a second a large black metal square that ran the length of his forearm with what seemed a cylinder attached just under the palm it brought a glare from Deitrich. He couldn't help who looking back to the house to ensure no one saw the wolf in sheeps clothing. He turned back around to find a backpack being held out to him reaching for it he hesitated expecting a very mortal device to be in the pack. Opening the top slowly, the Crow whistled a omnious tune his crows beginning to take off as he gave a bow and moved to leave, inside the backpack was some changes of clothes and some personnal effects he had believed lost in the wave at Japan.

"Your Grandfather would have a fit if he knew full well who you were working with this time, supposing he doesn't already a council meeting will discuss what your 'parties' next step is being decided by the council tomorrow when it gathers the Old Soul's." Dietrich gave a grunt knowing that meant his Grandfather would learn of his actions in Japan and America as Dietrich let out the slowest of sighs. "I'm sorry about your apprentice, He died in the shack when it rolled in the very wave if he hadn't only drowning awaited him." Mattius was impassive though as he didn't react to the news of his disciple dead while watching the abomination. "I would say it should have been me but then I couldn't tease you for failing to keep your word, that one promise will destroy you slowly my friend don't blame the council if the sentance is unfavourable I fear they may drag you from the frontlines after two heavy blows to your group so close together."
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Kutsu Shita
Kutsu Shita

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Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 3:16 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Eba0k1

"I see they all bolted." Is what Kain would have quiped if it wasn't for the oafs still coming for him instead of turning tail. They must have thought that lightning couldn't strike twice, but that was as untrue for the naturally occurring phenomenon as it was for Kain. Though, even Kain had to admit the chances of regular lightning hitting the same spot twice is quite unlikely, but he actually aimed, nature doesn't really care to. And now the fools were blitzing him, at least for as long as they still had the ability to stand on their feet.

True enough, the rod's glow had grown faint after the bolt, there wasn't a risk of them eating another one of those unless they gave Kain a moment to prepare it, which they clearly did not intend to. Though piling on to an electrically charged Punkie might not exactly be the best course of action regardless. The three of them were upon the little man promptly, with the middle one becoming the target of a swing from Kain, smacking the rod into the brute's upper arm with force. That in itself was bad enough, given it was a rather annoyed Punkie weilding it, but Kain together with his elemental stone had little issue with keeping a rather high current of electricity flowing between them, and that too coursed through the middle man. It no longer had the intensity that had flattened their buddy, but it wasn't pleasant.

It did however provide the other two with an opening, and while the one on the left got out of the way of Kain's attempts to knock him down too, the other fearlessly wrapped his arms around the little man to keep him from moving, and as it seemed to Kain under the weight of the man, crush the air out of him. He lifted him up, and so Kain was suddenly removed from the ground by quite a bit, but all the while the man had to grit his teeth to sustain his grip while the current surged through him. And to the man's credit he did so long enough for his colleague to get a punch in, going straight for Kain's gut.

In the end all three ended up in pain; Kain wheezing, after getting the air both crushed and stomped out of him, but the man who had held him was seriously dazed, stumbling backwards, after having no choice but to let go of Kain. The man delivering the sucker punch was probably least affected, but still recoiled from the zap he was forced to injure for laying his hands on Kain, and the one Kain actually managed to hit was only just getting back on his feet.

"We'll call that round a draw." Kain said and tried to grin, though he mostly managed to only grimace. And though he had yet to have a good chance to recover some serious energy he made a little chain of current leap from the stone sitting on his rod to his left hand and asked; "Want to go for another?"
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Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 3:31 pm

The confusion and massing of bodies was starting to quiet the room, but in an attempt to not let their boss down the men were doing their best to regroup. The one who had been struck in the arm was trying to get back to his feet, but when he put pressure on the arm he had been struck on he howled in pain, the humerous gave way and his arm went to jelly, perhaps it was the numbness form the electrical current that had kept him from realizing the bone was broke, but regardless the bone was now sticking out and he was writhing in agony.

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JohnnyBanner

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JennaBanner

Johnny raised an eyebrow and turned casually to his wife and spoke, "Quite impressive."

"To say the least," Jenna responded, not taking her eyes off Kain, "Perhaps we should consider our choices next time we hire men, one standing out of five in a matter of seconds. I had always heard that Punkies were formidable, but I would have never imagined."

"Indeed." Johnny replied as he leaned back on the bar as casually as if he were merely observing people in the room.

The fifth and last standing man heard them and grit his teeth. Not wanting to let his boss down and perhaps more importantly lose his job, he as about to lung again when Kain's fingers lit up and he spoke his words about wanting a second round. The man snarled and Kain would see the loss of focus with the building rage, "Why not little man! No way you can keep this level of magic up! No one can!"

Johnny turned and looked at Jenna, silently mouthing the words "little man" and Jenna raised an eyebrow, "I doubt the Punkie will appreciate that."

The two looked back and watched as the fifth thug removed a set of brass knuckles from his pocket. Grabbing a chair to use as a make shift, non conducting space between them he charged in again, his arm coming back and his other extending the chair, aiming to pin Kain to the floor with it, hoping to then follow up with a strike that would put the Punkie out so he could be collected.
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Kutsu Shita
Kutsu Shita

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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 4:18 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Eba0k1

Kain couldn't help but snicker. 'This level of magic' he said, clearly the hired help had little experience with those wielding any serious magic, which was a bit of a disappointment. Johnny had introduced himself as a professional, and yet he worked with clear and utter amateurs. Maybe he was just being a nice guy and giving some honest criminals a chance to move up in the world of thuggery, but he should have known better. Conjuring up electricity was easy enough for Kain, forcing it outward in a controlled manner was the real trick. Nearly as quickly as it is conjured will it seek to depart in the fastest fashion possible. If you're lucky it's through some daft bloke's skull who was foolish enough to lift you above his head, but otherwise it just flees as quickly as possible. Making it go somewhere specific, ah, now that takes effort.
Dispatching these fools, aside from the bolt of lightning, wasn't all that demanding.

"Only one way to find out." Kain goaded the poor fellow and turned to his would be assailant sideways, drawing back his rod and pointing it towards the man. Predictably the man charged almost immediately with just a piece of wood to keep Kain at a distance. Kain received the charge and greeted it with a thrust from the rod aimed directly at the center of the chair. And though the stone perched on top was pointy, it wasn't exactly sharp. But the wood needed little more but sufficient force applied to a small area in order to splinter and shatter the seat for the stone to poke through far enough to get nice and close to the man's fleshy bits. The moment the seat cracked arcs of electricity jumped from the tip of the stone and leapt onto his arm, coursing through him once more. The man stumbled, with his limbs no longer doing what he wanted of them while traveling with some decent momentum, leaving him sadly spasming on the ground in front of Kain's feet.

"And now you know."
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 4:29 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JohnnyBanner

Johnny raised his eyebrows and watched as the thug was dispatched, the man wiggled in agony a moment before the electricity seized his heart and he expired. Johnny looked slightly less interested as if he had just watched a bug die on his windshield. Turning to Jenna he spoke, "Just as you predicted."

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JennaBanner

"When will you learn to listen to me?"

Johnny huffed as he smiled and spoke casually, "Now now my love, that's not fair, I told you from the beginning I only wished to assess the fellow, see if the stories were true."

Jenna rolled her eyes slightly as she removed her green, velvet gloves and laid them on the bar top without a wrinkle, "Well now that you have seen let's just be on with it."

Johnny smiled and turned to look at Kain, he was still leaning against the bar as if nothing exciting was happening, "Mr. Wattson, sir, our mistress has paid a rather high price to have you brought to her. Unfortunately for you, but beneficial to us, she doesn't care if she hears your voice or simply sees your body. So I ask you now how would YOU like to proceed?"

He leaned off the bar and there was a sudden presence of energy in the room as his eyes flared like the sun had been lit behind the pupils. Simultaneously Jenna produced a rather vicious looking sword from seemingly nowhere and held it casually at her side. Johnny spoke again, "Human underlings are one thing Master Punkie, trained and skilled members of the Races are another. Granted, your skill and powers are far superior to what the rumors foretold, however as men of dignity you and I, what say we proceed without all the ruckus. Put down the rod, dissipate your energy, and let us do this the civilized way."
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Kutsu Shita
Kutsu Shita

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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 5:39 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Eba0k1

As Kain removed the broken chair from the rod he heard the two speak at the bar and couldn't help but wonder what kind of rumours there actually were about him. Surely they weren't talking about his heritage, were they? Were there actually rumours about the ability of some nobody who was purposely kept away from the world of the races? Kain could only guess what whispers about him had found their way to these people's ears. Everything would be a lot simpler if they didn't even know he existed... But alas.

Kain looked around him after Johnny adressed him, "Civilized? That kind of went out the window, don't you think?"

"And these threats are unnecessary, I'm not the one questioning your training or abilities by means of... Where did you even find these people?" Kain wasn't really sure what he was supposed to call his unfortunate assailants. He'd be a lot more conflicted about it if they looked like they were living a full life of love and mutual respect, but he hadn't actually killed people before. Oddly enough he didn't feel that much one way or another, the terrifying memories he was unfortunate enough to have recalled during his childhood had taken the shock out of it. Though he kind of wished he was shocked...

"I find it hard to believe your mistress has no interest in my voice. It's lovely, even if I do say so myself. This body on the other hand isn't that impressive. Now, if it's all the same to you, I intend to proceed to San Francisco, Mr. Portsman. The degree of dignity involved will be up to you and the lady."

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Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 5:59 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JohnnyBanner

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 JennaBanner

Jenna looked at Kain as he spoke. She turned to look at Johnny with a furrowed brow and Johnny merely lifted his hand to calm her. As the Punkie finished speaking Johnny sighed softly and took a half step forward, "It is true, I wanted to see for myself what you could do. As to where I found these fellows, well it's amazing whom you can hire simply using Craiglist now a days. Truth be told Mr. Wattson, you send in the canon fodder before you consider putting more valuable assets into the game, kind of like pushing with the pawns before the queen show her face."

He turned and looked lovingly at Jenna before looking back at Kain, "I am not one to question what our client as asked, your voice is inconsequential, it's more the presence she requires, as I said, living or dead you are to be brought to her before I collect the rest of my fee."

He looked at Jenna and nodded softly, she began to move in a wide circle on Kain's left side. Johnny looked up at Kain as he fingered a small marble sized ball in between his index fingers, "Before we begin I just wanted to tell you, Carla is quite lovely." Kain looked at him curiously and Johnny smiled, "She is fine, I assure you, however I can see the appeal, I mean, for a human she has some lovely characteristics and qualities... I am still not sure why you have attached yourself to her, frankly we didn't have adequate time to research that, but in time we will know that as well... one way or another."

Jenna was still circling, she had brought the top of her sword down and was dragging it along the concrete floor, the menacing, scraping sound was wrenching itself into the ears of the three remaining souls in the room. She side stepped and looked at Kain, "Dignity Master Punkie, is clearly no longer an option."

She sprung into the air like a coiled spring, truth be told it might be the fastest Kain had seen anyone move, it was almost as if there were echoes of her flashing forward in millisecond bursts, creating a dizzying blur to etch across the space between them, the blur was only interrupted by the singing whistle of her blade coming across, aimed right at the arm holding the conductive rod. Simultaneously Johnny had moved in a similar manner, his ghostly figure coming to the other side of Kain and a vicious flash of light erupted from his hands, a flash of light that was clearly aimed directly at Kain.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 9:09 am

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 The_li10Lily had been sitting quietly in the kitchen unnoticed while everything went on around her. She smiled when she saw that Kimiko was up and okay but didn't approach her as it would draw attention to herself and right now she seemed to be unnoticed which suited her fine. But she still gave Kimiko a small smile. It was then she began to wonder where Dietrich had gone to and chose to go in search of him while everyone was more concentrated on each other. Rising quietly and fluidly she left the cottage.

It was long before she spotted his overly large frame and followed at a distance, wondering where he was off to. It was still raining and cold and she felt it to her bones in her small body but pushed it to the back of her mind. Her Irish curiosity needed to be assaged before the need of warmth and dryness. She kept enough distance that she hoped he wouldn't know she was there yet close enough to not lose sight of him and where he was going when she saw what looked like a flock of crows only to have her eyes widen as they formed a man. Or was it a druid? She wasn't sure what he or it was but she shivered and not from the cold wetness.

She couldn't get close enough without being seen to hear what was being said but the feeling she had was enough to begin to break her innocent heart. Was Dietrich a traitor to their group? Who was the crow man? She shook her head to herself. No....surely Dietrich wouldn't betray all of them. Betray her. Still she remained until their conversation was over and she moved further back into the shadows of the sparse trees and bushes as he moved towards her hoping to still her wet, chilled, shaking body long enough so that he wouldn't suspect that she was there. Her expressive, swirling eyes were now colors of sadness and anger, her thoughts about what he was doing rolling around in her head. She knew she was in love with Dietrich. She was naive and innocent but she was also a woman and she knew a woman's heart. To think that he would betray them the way Sionn had was almost more than she could bare.

She shrunk back even further as he got closer to her and her hiding spot, gritting her teeth together to keep them from chattering in the wet cold, wrapping her slim arms around herself to try and still her shaking as she watched him.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 9:35 am

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Aurora10Aurora leaned into Ean's side as he whispered into her ear first about burying Erebus in the morning and then about the steps that had to be taken but she was impatient even as she knew he was right. This had to be thought and planned out in order to do what was right. Again, she felt something stirring within her, not realizing that her dark eyes had become even darker, almost black with her thoughts of vengeance. Beau then came in through the overly large doggie door at the kitchen door, passing Lily outside as he'd approached the cottage. He brushed up against his mistress then went straight to Master Aidan, nudging the wizard's hand, his intellegent eyes looking up at him when Eryn too came hopping through the same door, chattling angrily on how there needed to be a 'bird' door that she could fly through. She lifted off from the floor once she had the room for her wingspan and flew to the perch. There was a perch for her and Whispy in every room of the cottage except for the guest rooms and bathroom. She sat there, drying her feathers as she fluffed up shaking then began preening but she too kept her golden gaze on Aurora, worry filling her heart as what she was sensing.

Beau sat down next to Master Aidan but his amber gaze was focused on Aurora. He could sense something was going on within her and it troubled and worried him. For his gentle mistress to be feeling such anger and rage was troubling to him. Grief, yes. Heartache at what had happened, definitely. And he could tell she was feeling those things yet underneath was an anger and rage that had not been there before. Ever.

Aurora looked up at Ean, nodding to him as she leaned in closer to him. "Okay, Ean. But they must pay for what they have done. Especially Sionn", she said in a voice that was laced with her growing rage. She couldn't forget the sight of the blade sticking out of Ean's chest, the blow to her face that still throbbed with the darkening bruise or the sacrifice her dearest friend had made so that she could keep her love with her. All because Sionn made a choice that betrayed them all and almost cost her her life. For without Ean, she knew she would have died after she killed Sionn. Just thinking about what had almost happened made her heart skip a beat and ache with a sorrow she never knew existed. It made her breath catch in her throat and she felt as if she suddenly couldn't breathe seeing Ean laying there in his own blood.....his eyes lifeless.

The panic attack was severe as she suddenly clung to Ean, struggling to breathe as she gasped for air, her eyes wide, filled with the panic she was feeling and didn't know how to control. Feeling an Earth child's panic, small animals suddenly came scurrying to the cottage, scratching to get in to soothe her. Ferrets, stoats, rabbits, badgers and deer, even mice, all coming to the cottage. All feeling the need to soothe her as her panic sent off waves of need to them. There weren't many of them, but enough to set up eerie scratching and pawing sounds around the cottage.

As badly as Beau and Eryn wished to go to her they knew that now she needed more than just them. She needed Ean's strength and maybe a little more. Beau stayed close to Master Aidan while Eryn stopped preening herself, watching Aurora closely.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 12:53 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 EanBanner

Ean clutched at Aurora as she began to panic, he held her close and stroked her hair, the sound of scratching all around the cabin caused an increase in the tension. Elizabeth stood and looked outside, seeing the small animals bounding towards the cabin, "Jesus, Mary and Joseph... Master Aidan, have ya ever...?"

Aidan stepped up beside her and watched, turning his eyes to Elizabeth and then to Aurora. Ean looked at the Master Wizard but Aidan did not move, his eyes simply locked onto the massive Scottish Warrior. Ean drew Aurora close and held her tightly, soothing her as best he could, until finally she began to calm enough that he could bring her cheek close to his, "Easy lass... aye, east..."

As her gulping for breath turned to soft sobs, Ean stood, picking Aurora up with ease and looked at the room, "I'm gon'ta take her upstairs to her bed..."

Aidan and Elizabeth looked on knowingly and with no hesitation Ean carried Aurora as if completely unburdened upstairs to her bed chamber. Laying her gently onto the soft mattress he pulled the covers up lovingly around her shoulders and knelt beside the bed on the floor, stroking her hair and looking into her bloodshot eyes, "Lass, all will find its way." Leaning in he kissed her softly on the mouth, drawing in her breath as he gently pressed himself into her. His hand went motionless and cupped the side and back of her head, reinforcing his love for her.

Suddenly a soft clearing of throat echoed behind them and Ean turned to see Lexi in the door frame.

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 LexyBanner

"Is she a'right Ean?"

Ean shook her head and spoke, "Naw Lex."

As Aurora looked up at her, Lexi walked over and knelt beside her massive brother and spoke softly, "You've been with us a long time now sister, but this is all still new aye?"

As Aurora looked at her Lexi spoke, "Brother, could I trouble ya for some tea, honeymint, for ma'self and Rora?"

Ean smiled, "Aye."

He stood and left quickly and Lexi spoke once he was out of earshot, "He loves ya Rora, more than anyone I have ever seen him love. If nothing else, that's worth keeping a clear head over aye?"
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 6:43 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 TheCrow_zps42fmd09f

Dietrich tilted his head as he  looked past the treeline hearing the animals scamper he even felt the earth shifting beneath him as Aurora pulled on the animals heart strings. However the crows stared with a silent menace destroying any belief they were part of nature as the crows stopped mirroring the actions of thier master.

"She is close to the tipping point remind her that you should never become what you hunt." Dietrich stiffened at the saying looking into those cold gray eyes the message wasn't intended just for her as the crow began to laugh a skin crawling experience as the man looked beyond the Norseman.

"Try to keep the Oathsworn out of the cold she will catch her death in this rain." The Crow bowing his head as he began to head out a gut feeling in Dietrich knew this man would follow on any order given to him by neutrality afterall his most important order was to kill Dietrich for balance sake if he risked it.

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Dietrich_zps57091a19

Dietrich watched the man go taking only two to three solid steps before he faded into nothing just stray feathers from his fellow crows though all of them gone as Dietrich scanned the trees only finding one crow that watched him curiously with a tilted head Dietrich wondering what his last words had meant moving down the path he stopped as he noticed a bush quivering wondering if it was a animal free from the sudden influence only to find a very rapidly shivering Lily he almost wanted to laugh but slinging the backpack full of spare clothes he had to lift her from the bush as he could see the worry and distrust in her gaze. "I think we might not teach you much getting yourself a cold like this you know."
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 18, 2015 11:55 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Aurora10Aurora closed her eyes to the kiss, feeling his love for her burn through her as her hands curled into the front of his shirt, clinging to him until she heard Lexy clearing her throat in the doorway. 

She watched as Lexy knelt down beside Ean, nodding to her words of it still being new even as she knew that that wasn't what had caused her to panic when Ean left to collect the honeymint tea for them, her gaze turning back to Lexy. 

"He loves ya Rora, more than anyone I have ever seen him love. If nothing else, that's worth keeping a clear head over aye?"

Aurora gave Lexy a small smile, her bottom lip trembling.  "I started seeing it all over again, Lexy", she said in a soft voice.  "Ean lying on the beach, the Erebus dying.....but Ean...", she trailed off silent tears rolling down her cheeks again.  "I know he loves me.  I love him so much, Lexy but I feel things inside of me now that frighten me."  She turned eyes dark with fear up to her from where she lay.  "Anger, the need for vengeance.  Wanting Sionn's death.  I have never felt things like that before and it frightens me because they are so strong."

She sat up when Ean returned with the tea, giving him a loving smile as she took her cup glancing down into the hot liquid.  "I am so sorry, Ean.....for what happened downstairs.  Master Aidan must think I've lost my mind."

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 The_li10
Lily watched as the 'man' walked away only to fade into nothing.  She crouched down more behind the bush, her small body shivering strong enough to make the bush shake when she was suddenly looking up at Dietrich, her slim arms wrapped around herself in the cold rain.  Her hair was plastered to her head, her teeth chattering.  Her multi colored eyes swirled, filled with the worry for him as well as distrust as he lifted from where she sat behind the bush, cradling her in his arms.  She couldn't help but curl into his warmth, stuttering as she spoke, "Who wwwwas that mmmmman?  What wwwwas hhhhe?", she asked hoping that Dietrich would tell her the truth and yet dreading it at the same time.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2015 8:21 am

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 LexyBanner

Lexy listened and grabbed Aurora's hand. She nodded and smiled softly, speaking when Aurora had finished, "In the little experience I have had, I think it is safe to say that given all we have been going through, you especially, those feelings are normal, to an extent I mean."

She got into the bed and under the covers with Aurora, something Aurora would have seen Lexy do many times with her sister Elizabeth when they were having serious or 'sisterly' conversations... the gesture was an obvious display of closeness and comfort, "You come from mixed bloodlines, and though there is nothing I have ever heard or seen that says that is wrong from a physical sense, emotionally I am sure that you will struggle more than most... of course there are many instances in the history of the Races where bloodlines crossed, even cases where, say, one born of Druid parents became a Sentinel or vice versa."

She looked deep into Aurora's eyes, her own youth showing as she spoke, "Everything I have learned is that we decide what we are, not based on the talents or abilities we inherit from our parents bloodlines, but by what we decided to do here." She pointed to her head, "I am an August, and it's confusing. This is a power that comes only every few hundred years. I have been struggling, 'why me' I keep thinking, but on that beach, in that situation," Lexy's eyes welled up and she inhaled deeply, "Seeing my brother laying there dead... things became clearer. If I did no have this ability Ean would be dead for good."

She looked up and smiled at Aurora, "I had to choose to let the power move through me, yes, once I embraced it the effort was no less than breathing, but I had to allow it."

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 EanBanner

Ean stepped though the door and saw Lexy laying in bed with Aurora and smiled. Without saying a word he set the tea down on the nightstand. Lexy got out from under the covers and picked up her tea, "I'm off then, I'll just see to our guests downstairs."

Ean was about to say she didn't have to leave, but she was out the door, tea in hand, before he could even bring the words up. He turned and looked at Aurora, and handed her the tea. As she sat up and apologized he furrowed his brow to show his curiousness and moved to the bed so he was sitting beside her, "Sorry for what my love? You did'no the likes of which we have no seen before. I mean, we have no seen the wee beasties come scurrying like that, but it's also no the strangest thing that has ever happened around here."

As she looked at him he smiled warmly and kissed her gently on the forehead, tucking her head against his chest and shoulder. He knew better than to ask what she and Lexy were talking about while he was gone, all too many times in his life when he would find his sisters like that and enquired as to the nature or topic of their conversation he would be met with a blunt, 'sister stuff'. Though normally he wouldn't have thought much about it his memory of what happened on the beach was so blank and full of holes, he was hoping he would soon get answers... when the time is right, when everyone has calmed their nerves he hoped. He couldn't help but linger however... he was standing with his friends, watching Arawella on the cliff. She was speaking to them and then he woke up looking into Aurora's eyes. Nothing in between those memories, nothing except a warm feeling in his chest, a feeling like the sun had risen within him.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2015 3:50 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Dietrich_zps57091a19

Dietrich wanted to laugh as she was shivering but he held her close deciphering her shivered whispers as he smiled softly. "That lass was my executioner." Breaking it to her bluntly as they moved between the trees reaching the yard as he stopped glancing to the barn. "We need to get you dry and rested so we discuss what he spoke of." Wondering if she had heard him class her as an Oathsworn due to her deep runic based magic it was very similar to his own but prayed she didn't need the strain or blood sacrifice that came with his families.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 20, 2015 9:52 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Aurora10Aurora settle into Ean, feeling his strong arms enfold her as he spoke to her, wrapping her slim arms around his waist as she scooted over to give him more room on the bed.  Her head on his chest, she listened to his heart beating, taking her left hand to lay over it feeling the beats as well as hearing them.

"Never will I tire of the sound of your heart, Ean....not after coming so close to losing you.  I would have followed you into the summer country."

She sighed again, curling in closer to him, "I have never called the animals like that before.  I mean, I did when we were battling the goblins and that was a mistake for I got many of them killed.  But they've never come to me like that."  She also wanted to tell him how strong her feelings for getting vengeance were but she wasn't sure how.  It was easy to tell Lexy but to tell her gentle giant who held her heart was another thing.  She was afraid he would think poorly of her but she also knew that Ean had told her he was there for her and always would be.   What scared her about what she was feeling though was the fact that she was half druid.  She knew what Lexy had said and it made sense but she was worried that her druid blood was causing her to feel these negative feelings stronger than others.  What if she caved and acted on them?  Would that mean that she was no longer a child of the Earth?

"Ean....I am frightened by what I am feeling", she said quietly against his chest.  "The hatred if feel for Sionn, the intense need for vengeance, to make him pay.  It is so strong.  Should I be worried about my druid blood?  Is that why I feel these things so strongly?  What if I act on them?  What will it do to me?"  She then raised her head to turn her deep brown eyes up to his, eyes filled with the love she felt for him as well as the worry and fear she felt for herself.

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 The_li10

Lily grew silent for a moment as he made his way to the cottage, thinking on his words.  "Yyyyour executioner?  Why?"  She'd heard the word Oathsworn but wasn't sure what it meant or if it was directed at her when she felt the warmth from the cottage as Dietrich opened the door and stepped inside, taking her straight upstairs to her room.  She was still shivering violently when he closed the door to her room wondering and hoping he would stay with her and explain things to her.  

Once on her feet, she watched as he gathered her dry clothing then a towel, indicating that she needed to dry off and change as he turned his back to her.  She undressed, her shaking fingers fumbling with the fastenings to her clothing.  Finally, she said that she was changed her lips still a light shade of blue, her teeth still chattering but not as bad.  She stood there waiting for him to tell her what he meant about his executioner.
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2016 11:34 am

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 EanBanner

Ean looked at Aurora and smiled, his beard broadening across his face, "My honest opinion?"

She looked at him and nodded softly, he leaned up on his elbow and looked down at her on the bed, "I think you are worrying too much."

As she looked at him curiously he continued, "Vindication and vengeance are not evil traits. I suppose the lengths you would go to in order to see vengeance done might cause one to walk a very slippery line, however if the cause is just and see that the innocent are protected... well how can that be wrong?"

He leaned in a little closer and continued, "Sionn has switched his allegiance, a deed not lightly done... we will hunt him together, we will destroy him and that witch, he is of the darkness now and evil must be punished."

He leaned in and kissed her in a way that told her all she needed to know. She was loved, HE loved her, and he would fight with her. As he leaned back again he spoke, "I am no worried about your heritage or your blood. Yes, we get our life and abilities from our heritage, but our choices make us who we are."
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jan 27, 2016 5:46 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 ArawelaBanner

Arawela walked along the edge of her ancestral gardens. Her blood red lips were curled into a perpetual smile since the events in California. Tracing her finger along the rough wrought iron fencing and feeling the cold steel reminded her of seeing the dagger pierce Ean MacGregors chest, the pain on Aurora’s face, all of it. She had left Sionn sleeping soundly, she needed to be alone, to reflect, plan, and determine her next move. The splitting of the San Andreas fault line was an accomplishment to be certain. Tricking that stupid Native American into using her bow for an evil purpose, taking Sionn as a lover and then having him kill Aurora’s current lover… all of it, it all could not have gone any better.

Despite her joy, she felt a slight twinge of hollowness now however, all the months, the planning, the orchestrating of this scheme. Without a doubt it set her up to join a very elite and well respected group in Druidic history and she had managed to accomplish the feat at an extremely young age. Her brow crinkled slightly at the contemplation of where she would go from here, how could she top herself?

She walked again, looking out into the darkness of night. The Cypress trees on her property, covered in Spanish Moss threw strange shadows along the ground as they blocked out the moon’s light. With a deep breath she stopped again and pulled the shawl up around her shoulders. A thought entered her mind, one that caused her to snicker and then almost immediately cackle madly. After a moment she calmed down and pictured Aurora in her minds eye, how she must be so broken now, but how to break her further? What better next stop then to kill Ean’s sisters, and destroy the ancestral property. Yes, and then even the spirit beings that guide her, take it all, every single shred of the woman’s heart.

How. The MacGregor Estate that rested on Loch Lomond was one of the most impenetrable areas in the U.K., and possibly even the world. With a Sentinel, and Arbiter, and an August living there, plus their parents, A Binder and a Sentinel… well the magic was so strong it was sickening. How then, how to get a foothold?

It was easy when Sionn was being swayed to her cause, she used him as the gateway to move in and out of warding’s, but now that access was lost, surely any lingering of his magic was gone now that he had revealed himself. How then… she would have to find a way, she had to find a way. Not only would she hunt the sisters, she would do it on their own ground, through the false security of their warding’s, she would break their protection.

She went back into the thick stone walls of Poe Manor and walked through the long corridors. Finally, after descending the stairs she stood before the massive double doors that lead into the room of the ancients the place where all the spirits of the dead ancestors of the House of Poe resided. As she entered the shadows all around the room swished and moved like black ink swirling in a glass of water. Within a few seconds a Wraith approached, floating just inches from the floor and bowed its head, “Daughter of the Ten, Stewardess of the House of Raven, Heiress of the Shadow, how can we serve?”
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 1:46 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Aurora10Aurora couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her when Ean kissed her with all the love he felt for her, her eyes starry as the kiss ended when he spoke to her again.  Lifting a golden tanned hand, she cupped his bearded cheek her dark eyes staring into his.

"I so love you, Ean MacGregor and I love the faith you have in me.  It makes me feel stronger."

She laid her head back onto his chest, curling into him, knowing that this respite.....this calming period would not last long for Arawela was still out there planning.  She sighed, closing her eyes as she shivered listening to Ean's heart beating and placing her soft lips right over where she felt it beating.

"How long do we get to rest, Ean?  How long before our time to regroup and regather ourselves is over and we are back out there?" 

As much as she wanted vengeance for what Arawela and Sionn had done to all those innocent people as well as Ean she also was relishing this quiet time with Ean and his family.  The soft bed as cradling her much like Ean was as he held her small frame against his larger one, his strong arms making her feel safe and loved and she didn't want to leave that, even for vengeance but Sionn and Arawela couldn't go unpunished for what they'd done. 

A thought entered her mind then and her heart sped up, her breathing becoming panicky again as she closed her eyes, fear and worry filling her heart.

"Ean.....what if they come after Lexy, Libby.....even Master Aiden?  Surely Sionn wouldn't come after his own family...his parents and his sister?  But the rest of you....", she shook her head, burying her face into his chest, "We should hope for the best and expect the worst, Ean.  We shouldn't underestimate Arawela and Sionn."

She raised her eyes up to his again, fear as well as determination filling them.  She almost lost Ean.  The man who holds her heart and soul.  Without him she was nothing.  She would not risk losing her sisters of the heart, Lexy and Libby. 

"We need to be prepared for anything, Ean", she said in a determined voice only to feel sadness filling her heart again.  "I wish Erebus were still here to advise us on his give us ideas on how to further protect ourselves while we go after them."
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PostSubject: Re: Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces   Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 28, 2016 2:50 pm

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 EanBanner

Ean looked over at Aurora and smiled as she spoke, he still felt a swelling of disbelief that she was his. As she spoke he nodded and listened, allowing her ample time to say what she needed to say. He lovingly stroked her shoulder and spoke, “That is a distinct possibility, if there is one thing I know about Druids it is that they are never satisfied with their accomplishments. Evil lurks in their hearts, darkness and maliciousness. Reaching your goal for them is like trying to eat ash, bitter and unsatisfying, and you crave to find something that will fill you. It’s why Druids eventually kill themselves, they ratchet up their efforts until things become so dangerous for themselves that they die by their own efforts.”

He leaned his head over and looked at her, “It’s actually much more common for a Druid to kill themselves than it is to kill one.”

His face was very matter of fact, but she could still see the depth of her words were resonating with him. He inhaled softly and spoke, “I would not worry, a warding such as ours can not be broken, we have Arbitor and Sentinel protections in place, plus the addition of Lexi as a an August, this could be one of the safest and most impenetrable places on Earth.”

He shifted and came up so he was leaning on one elbow, his other hand lovingly stroking Aurora around her neck and cheeks, “We will need to be back out in the field soon however. Tomorrow we bury Erebus and then we will meet with Aidan and Kimiko to determine next steps…”

“All right you two, none of that in my house.”

Ch12 - Picking up the Pieces - Page 2 LexyBanner

The both turned and looked at Lexy who was smiling warmly and stepped into the room, leaning down and kissing Aurora gently on the cheek in a very sisterly way, “Hello sister, you are looking like you are getting your color back, just see to it that this donkey does not flush your cheeks too much.”


She winked at Aurora and stuck her tongue at Ean before placing some fresh towels on the vanity and sat in a comfortable chair beside the bed. She looked at Ean and spoke, “Liz has begun the preparations for releasing the wardings on the hallowed grounds. Everything else is set for tomorrow morning.”

Ean nodded and spoke, “Aye, thank you for doing that Lexy.”

Lexy smiled and there was a look of reverence on her face. With a pause and then a gentle nod she spoke, “Aye Ean… t’is the least we can do, if we were no burying Erebus we would be releasing the wardings for you. As hard as this is… well I do’na want to think about how much harder that would’a been.”

Ean smiled and Lexy stood, leaned over Aurora and kissed Ean on the cheek whispering softly, “Ya’ great dumb ox.”

She leaned back with a smile and winked at Aurora, touching the back of her hand and left the room. As she walked out the door she spoke, “You two mind your manners and don’a do anything I wouldn’a do.”

Ean shook his head and could not help but laugh. He looked back at Aurora and spoke, “Come my love, let us to the kitchen for a wee bite.”
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