Greetings my friends. Eric (SubBear) and I (Scott) will be creating a spin off of the Heres thread.
This storyline will be a gritty, slap and punch, duke it out fest.
1. There will be NO comic book type super heroes allowed. What I mean is, no summoning of weather, the ability to destroy city blocks on command, etc. Our heroes will be more dependent on wit and cunning to evade capture than elite super abilities. Yes, they are super heroes, yes they are above normal humanity, but they are not the Marvel or DC style "cape and tight" superheroes.
2. No safe houses or teched out "super" vehicles. These heroes are on the run, and as such they have no permanent place to lay their heads nor do they have the resources to purchase multi-million dollar facilities to stay in.
3. All villains will be played by Sub-Bear or Zinsk (exceptions can be made on approval).
4. To keep it simple we request only one character per person.
Thanks, and happy writing