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 Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations

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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 4:19 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela nearly flinched, visibly, when Olwa asked her what was wrong. She debated on rather to tell him the truth or not and finally deciding she wasn’t good a lying, she spoke the truth. Wringing her hands gently as she spoke, she seemed to grow even more nervous and anxious as she spoke. The color in her cheeks grew deeper as well and her voice was almost whisper soft.

”We….we are alone, Olwa. Truly….alone. Without fear of interruption or having a chaperone near by. And….there is a rather large….bed….in the room with us. I….I have never been alone with you before. In such an…..intimate….setting such as this. I find myself feeling much like a rabbit feels when a hawk is circling overhead, I suppose. Should I run or should I remain where I am….motionless.”

She finally made eye contact with him and saw the half smile half smirk on his face as he sat listening to her and watching her struggle with her unease. She stood up from the chair and took a few steps away, clenching her hands at her sides in an effort to quell her growing angst. Furrowing her brows slightly as she spoke to him again.

”Well I am glad one of us finds this….amusing. While I am not sure what is to smile about, I hope you will share that with me so I may either share in the laughter or melt away in my embarrassment.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 5:51 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa immediately stopped smiling and cleared his throat. He stood and looked at Pela with a sincere and warm smile, “Pela, I am not laughing at you because I am trying to embarrass you, if that is how you took it I sincerely apologize. I just simply cannot be captivated by your innocence. My parents describe humans as barely more than brutish beasts, but you consistently show me that there is so much more to humanity than they ever gave credit for. Understand I never bought completely into what they would tell me, but there certainly were curiosities. As far as my parents are concerned young humans enthusiastically go whoring and drinking by the age of nine, but to see your hesitation and nervousness when we are alone together just shows me that you are tender, and vulnerable, despite how much you attempt to hide it.”

He walked over to her and took each of her hands in his own. They were cold, like water that was just about to freeze. He was becoming more and more used to the feeling, it was so different than any other person he had ever touched, they were always warm but Pela, she was cold, and exotic. He looked deeply into her eyes and he spoke, “Understand this, I am honored and take it as a privilege that you would be so vulnerable and expose your soft little rabbit underbelly to the hawk circling overhead. I have always known that under that icy exterior was a loving heart. Even in a form most of us can’t understand, you knew love. Clearly Bad’Rock loved you, I mean, for a Netherman to choose to raise you instead of make a quick meal of you, that was an act of compassion which clearly turned to love. So for what it’s worth, I was not trying to hurt you with my smile.”

He looked at her and gently released her hands as he placed them back at her side. He walked over to the table again and took some fruit, taking a couple bites to begin satisfying his hunger before continuing. He looked at her and spoke again, “To be completely honest with you, the thought hadn’t even occurred to me that we were alone in this room with a big, comfortable bed. Perhaps some of what Master Myth taught me actually sunk in. ‘Virtue and integrity are defined by what happens when those you serve are not around to see you.’ He said that to me once when we were walking along the cliffs of Glen Durel. I will never forget it because even though he wasn’t talking about you and I, he was. Prince Myth is a well learned and life lessoned Elf, he left the constraints of Silvanosts foolish, pompous living to figure out what happened in the real world. Even though my parents spoke behind the walls of our house about his treachery they would put on noble faces when he was around them. The Ceremony of Light cleared him, but they chose to allow the blinders of their prejudices and narrow minds to lead them… and that is what frightens me the most.”

His gaze suddenly turned a little more frightened, like the rabbit now, with the hawk circling above, “My Father will not allow our leaving to go so easily. I suspect that with all the wedding ceremony and celebration parties they were too caught up in the formalities of their station to focus on it, but now that it’s over he will be hunting us, in one form or another.”

He inhaled deeply and spoke again, “The wedding… I wonder how Aeolis and Ceridwyn are doing. Today was their first day as a newly married couple. I am sad we missed the ceremony, I really admire Aeolis and Ceridwyn.”

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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 6:52 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

As Pela listened to Olwa talk, she felt as if a huge weight was being lifted off her shoulders. A weight she never realized had been placed there until now. And she was the one who had put the weight there to start with. Asher cold hands were enclosed in Olwa’s warm ones, she smiled slightly as his words melted her heart, yet again. As he let her hands go and walked back over to the table to pick up a couple of pieces of fruit, Pela’s smile grew.

“The Prince was indeed a wise man. For many reasons but right now, at this moment, for taking you under his wing and teaching you.”

Feeling more at ease now, she walked over and picked up a large, ripe strawberry and bit into it, taking the time to savor the sweet tartness of the berry before she spoke again.

“Many people did not understand the reason why Bad Rock did what he did. Even his own clansmen questioned his decision, but they soon came to realize when his mind was made up, he followed through o it. And they also learned I was not a detriment as they thought I would be either. After a few years, I became a part of their clan as though I were Netherman. I never tried to understand, I simply accepted his love and the life I was given. And I never once asked him why he did what he did. He had his reasons and because of them, I lived.”

She picked up another berry and held it out for Olwa to take and when he reached for it, he would feel it had been chilled to almost the perfect temperature. Not too cold yet not like the others. Her eyes held his and she smiled again.

”And I promise, from this day forward, I shall not try to understand why we are where we are and how we feel for each other. I shall simply accept. Just like I accept you will not do anything I wish not to do or am not ready to do yet.”

She stepped a little closer then and placed her hand over his chest where his heart beat strongly beneath her touch.

”I shall also accept that when the time is right, I will not hesitate.”

She stepped back then and let some space form between them. Her smile faded and her look turned very serious.

”I am not afraid of your father, Olwa. I do not underestimate his abilities nor do I think him unable to find us. There is no doubt in my mind he will. He will be determined to do so. His pride will require it of him. But I am not afraid. I will meet your father head on for I know there will be no reasoning with him. And when that time comes, I will do whatever I have to do to make sure you and Branch do not have to fear him anymore. His time of tyranny is at an end. He will come to see that as well. One way or another.”

The mention of Aeolis and Ceridwyn brought Pela back to a softer state of mind and she smiled almost whimsically.

”I bet they had a beautiful ceremony. The way the city was decorated, it could have been nothing but beautiful. And I am sure Ceridwyn made a beautiful bride. And Aeolis the proud groom. I have only seen one wedding and it was at a small chapel in Thoradin. The ceremony was not near as elaborate as the one in Silvanost, but it was still beautiful all the same.

She looked out the window.

”I wonder how things are doing back in Silvanost now that things should be getting back to normal?”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 8:04 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Arthur

"I never got my biscuits!" Kwinn yelped at the two men as they tossed him into the straw of the stable floor.
"I already paid for my room you knobs!" Kwinn barked as they walked away from him.

"Look 'ere dirtface..." One of the men said. "People are tired of your big mouth. The Inn is just about full and folks are wanting to sleep."
The men were just doing what they were told, so Kwinn did not egg them on any longer. The two men soon disappeared into the tavern again.

The ranger was on his belly in the straw, Kwinn searched around in the dry bedding and found his fighting stick. There was some fresh horse manure on one end of it.

The ranger got to his feet and was holding the poopy end of his staff away from him as the lovely elf woman approached with her hand out in greeting.

Kwinn quickly shifted the staff to his other hand behind him so as to not greet the lovely stranger with a hot horse patty.

"Just so you know, that smell is the horses not me.", the ranger sniffed himself as he spoke.
"Gah, scratch that it could be me..." Kwinn said with a grin.

"I am Kwinn, professional traveler, wilderness guide and FOE TO TAVERN PATRONS THAT DON"T ENJOY WELL SUNG DITTIES ABOUT ADVENTURE AND LOVE!" Kwinn said the last part very loudly as if he wanted the people at the tavern to hear him. As the ranger said the word love he winked at Branch in a forward way.

"I am friend to all elves, and brother to all wild things." He said more seriously.
As he said this a horse snorted in the next stall. Kwinn pounded his fist on the stall wall. "I said WILD things, not you, you bag of soup bones." Kwinn shouted as if the horse would answer.
Kwinn looked Branch over, she was lean and strong, she moved like a wild creature, quietly and deliberately.
Kwinn noticed her strong elf features and wild dress, her broken common speech convinced him that she was indeed a wild elf.

"Do you have trouble sister? Are you in need of a guide?" The ranger was burning with curiosity as to why she would be here alone so far from her native wild lands. The ranger pushed his hair back from his face, inadvertently smearing some fresh horse dung into his hair, he smiled at the elfess with pieces of biscuit stuck in his teeth.

"If you've need of a strong tracker or guide I will aid you sister. Are there more of your kindred here tonight?" Kwinn squinted into the gloom around the stables, for all he knew there were dozens of the wild elves just beyond his line of sight. Like him he knew that they could stay hidden from uninvited eyes if they wished it. Kwinn's ears listened to the stirring scrub and long grass around him, they gave no hint that anyone was hidden in the shadows just beyond the stable.

A great admirer of elves but certainly no expert in all there tribes and clans the ranger was trying his best to be polite, to not offend the lady before him.

"You are one of the wild people are you not, sister?" The ranger said with a schoolboy grin.

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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 10:46 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa listened to Pela and some of the words she said disturbed him a little. He looked at her and remained quiet a moment and then spoke, "Pela, I don't want to sound harsh but, you are not my protector, nor Branches. Don't get me wrong, I love you dearly and I think our being here in a human city is proof enough of that, however when you talk of how you will see to it that we are no longer abused by my father, it's just not your place to say such things."

He walked over to her and looked into her eyes, "I... don't approve of just about everything my mother and father do, but they are still my parents, and I don't want them harmed."

After her stories only a quarter candle tick ago about how she would come into town and make men suffer because of their indiscretions he was nervous that Pela would do something rash. He could see the look on her face and he continued, "Please, my sweet Pela, understand, I know you, the lighter, happy, in love side of you. But... in your heart still lingers the cold blood of an assassin. You did what you did for whatever reasons you did them, and I do not judge you or hold anything against you. What you did in the past is what you did, it does not define you, you did it because it was what you knew... and I love every part of you, your past, your present, and gods willing, your whole future."

He looked at her, his eyes pleading for an answer as he asked his question, "Promise me, no matter what, promise me that you will not harm my parents, please?"

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 BranchBanner

Branch looked Kwinn over and smirked as she spoke, "Branch knows the difference between the smell of a good horse and a human who has the road on him." Oddly however, she did not seem to mind the smell of the stable or Kwinn. In fact she did not seem offend by much at all. She listened and quirk a brow at his funny and brutish behavior, watching with amusement as he yelled at the tavern wall and tucked horse manure behind his ear. As he spoke of who and what she was Branch looked at him curiously and spoke, "If Mr. Kwinn is a friend of all Elves, why is it Branch never has heard of him?"

When he looked at her she raised her eyebrows at the look on his face. She answered his question, "Branch needs not a guide, Branch knows the lands better than most... and Branch is here alone. Branch is here to acquire spices for her Lord and Mistress in Silvanesti. As Mr. Kwinn knows Pashin is human territory, and certain spices are only availables in human territories."

As he recognized her lineage and heritage Branch bowed her head politely, touching her hand to her forehead, then to her heart and finally folding her hands politely at her waist. A common Elven greeting Kwinn was probably well aware of. "Mr Kwinn is in the right to say what he say. Branch is Kagonesti, and though it is argued by our cousins, we are the Elves that first walked from the Grey Stone."

Her hair, like Kwinns, was in tangles and braids with all manner of twine, grasses, flowers and sticks deliberately woven in. Her face was also marked with the tattoos of her heritage, and though the Silvanesti or the Qulanesti knew the wilderness, she showed an incredible prowess and understanding of the wild beyond that of her cousins, a trait that Kwinn surely would recognize. She had a dagger on her right hip and a very small short sword on her left. Attached to her back was a fine bow and a quiver of arrows who's fletchings were perfect in their shape and arrangement. Kwinn would know immediately that Branch was an Elf who knew the life of a wild elf, and most likely how to survive in the wilderness.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 11:09 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela knew Olwa was concerned about his family. And she understood so far in that she wouldn’t want to see anything bad happen to Bad Rock either when he was alive. And while she could be rather cruel in delivering her own form of justice, she never turned her attention to anyone who didn’t deserve it in her thinking. But she knew her thinking was foreign to Olwa in many ways. Still, when he asked her to promise not to harm his parents, she knew that would be something she might not be able to do.

For a long moment she stood looking at him, chewing on her bottom lip. Finally she sighed heavily and spoke softly.

”That is a promise I cannot make you Olwa.”

She saw the look in his eyes and knew he was about to protest when she placed her hand gently on his forearm.

”Let me explain. Please?”

He nodded curtly and she explained as best she could.

”I say that because we do not know what will happen when we finally meet up with him. We cannot control the actions of others, we can only react to them and try to make sure we do the best to prevent any undo harm. I can promise you this, I will do everything in my power to not bring intentional harm to your parents. And I will do all I can to try and find alternative ways to defend myself against your father that will bring little to no harm to him. It is the most honest of promises I can make to you.”

She reached and took both of his hands in hers similarly to the way he had done earlier.

”I know that while your parents were not all that attentive to you but I do know that you do love them and I would never try to deliberately hurt anything you love. It is just that I wish not to see you hurt anymore by them. And I will trust you and Branch. You are much older than I am and have learned how to take care of yourselves. I suppose Rayann has had more influence on me than I realized.”

Her hands reluctantly released his and she inhaled deeply letting it out slowly.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 1:49 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa looked at Pela. He didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally he exhaled and spoke, “I suppose that is the most I can ask for.”

She would clearly see the trepidation on his face, the concern and worry. Though he was willing to leave everything behind to go with her, and he was clearly unhappy with his parents, she would see it in his eyes, he didn’t want them harmed in any way. He closed his eyes and put his arms around her and drew Pela in. He held her tightly and just stood there for a while. Finally he exhaled slowly, kissed the top of her head and whispered into her ear, “Thank-you.”

She looked up at him curiously and he smiled softly, “Seriously, thank-you. Until I met you I was trapped in a gilded with no hope of leaving a life I did not want. Now, there’s at least a chance I can escape the stupidity of a life in the Chamber of Stars, guarding structures and doing what my parents feel is ‘right’.

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 KaliBlack

Kali sat in her tower.

Staring out the circular top of the tower she gazed intently at Heartlund. She could only see the parts of the city that were not obscured by the hillside that separated her home from theirs, but she watched anyway. As her slow, steady breathing caused her robes to move ever so slightly she pondered on all that transpired. Piramay had managed to weave magic, undetected, under the Chamber of Stars itself. She had made it possible to transport herself and an elemental dragon from wherever she was hiding, and penetrate the wardings through deception and manipulation that Kali never thought the woman was capable of.

It was always rumored in the Dark Queen’s courts that Piramay was more talented than brilliant, that her abilities were as a result of a natural affinity for elemental magic rather than a concentrated, focused endeavor to pursue high sorcery. As Kali sat and went over the feelings she had regarding all that she witnessed it was becoming more and more clear, she was misinformed. Piramay certainly had more power when it came to fire and wind spells, but under the guise of a wild sorceress she was somehow hiding deeper power. There was no evidence to suggest this power was a result of learning or magical items she might have in her possession.

There was still the major questionable, the thing she kept coming back to with no answer, or even a hint of a clue, why did Kali feel Fifth so strongly? Clearly the mad man was not there, so why the sensation of his presence, why the signature of his magic. Kali knew of no device that had his signature Piramay could have been using, she knew he was dead, she felt the towers shutter as his life was snuffed out. There was no denying it however, she had clearly felt his presence, more than she felt Piramay’s, and this was the thing that boggled her the most.

She stood and walked to her bookshelf, setting her medicinal tea down on a small table. She looked across the volumes and volumes of books she had managed to acquire since her arrival at the towers. Books many didn’t even know she had, not even her mother or Ceridwyn. She lovingly traced her fingers along the spines and finally stopped on a black book that had only one silver rune on it. She removed the book and hissed words of magic. The cover unwrapped itself like a chrysalis splitting open and she looked at the first page. It was book she had never read, she had acquired it, knowing it might give her answers someday, but it was also a book she feared, a book she knew might contain the essence of the only person she had ever truly feared.

Scanning the page she whispered the word that the single rune stood for, “Quietus”. She shivered softly as she felt a chill move down her spine when she touched the page to turn it. She could feel the presence of Fifth as the page turned. It wasn’t threatening but it certainly gave her pause… did she really want to go down this path? Was she really ready to face this darkness? Narrowing her gaze in anger at herself she swallowed her fear and flipped the page, the movement was palpable as the words on the page swirled and arranged themselves so they could be read, “Chapter One, Harnessing the Power of the Soul”

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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 2:57 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Arthur

"I am friends to all elves sister, I did not say I was acquainted with every last one of them." Kwinn said with a laugh. "It would be an honor to know them all!" The ranger continued.

"The Kagonesti people are known for their ability to travel long distances with very little water and food and with great speed. How is this done? Is it magik?"
Kwinn was brushing straw off his leggings and wiping any horse manure off his boots. He rubbed the soiled end of his great fighting staff in the dirt in front of the stables to clean the horse poop off of it. Satisfied that it was clean the ranger spun it in front of him, it hummed in the air. The staff was old oak and around 3 inches thick and 6 feet long, it was capped at each end in iron, the iron caps were covered in thick knuckle like studs. Kwinn wore a small leather vest that did not close in the front so much of his upper body was exposed (and filthy), the ranger wore thick deer skin leggings and long boots. Branch noticed that his boots were unique, they were padded at the heels so the human left no foot prints and his steps were all but silent. Kwinn's hair was waist long and some of it was braided and tangled, the ranger sported a short dark beard. Across his back Kwinn wore a small satchel that held a few bits of jerky and a water skin, at his waist the ranger wore a frayed thin belt that held a heavy wide knife that looked more like a kitchen cleaver than a simple blade.

"Just as you have never heard of me, I have never met one of your kind." Kwinn said kicking the last of the straw and mud from his boots.
"Would you walk with me as I make a triumphant return to my favorite seat at the tavern?" The ranger pulled his hair back into a ponytail and tied it with a bit of long straw.
"If you tell me of the wild people I will teach you a grand old song about the belly dancing women of the black hills in the south." Kwinn seemed to be recollecting some past time in his mind as he mentioned the women of the Black Hills.
"Their skin is as dark as the earth of the beautiful foothills that border their exciting cities." Kwinn closed his eyes as he reminisced.
"Turns out the dark skinned men of the Black Hills do not take kindly to their women laying with lighter skinned rangers from the west." He said seriously.
"I no longer stop for business or pleasure in the Black Hills of the south..." The ranger added with a chuckle.

"Speak of your travels sister, I am eager to hear a good tale of the road, a tale of travel and adventure." Kwinn said pausing just outside of the tavern.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 3:39 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 BranchBanner

Branch looked at Kwinn, her dark green eyes (so dark they almost seemed black) studied him as he spoke. As he responded about not knowing all Elves but being friends with them she looked at him curiously, clearly there was a language barrier and she was attempting to understand as best she could how one could be a friend without being known. She let it pass however, knowing it wasn’t of enough importance to pursue a circular conversation on the issue. She smiled and nodded as he spoke of the Kagonesti and responded, “Branches kin, it is rumored, can go weeks without food or water, but in truth our bodies are just as not able as yours to live without proper nutrition and water. The tales of such feats are exaggerated to an extent beyond the imagination, but in truth Mr. Kwinn, we are simply able to recognize and sustain ourselves from what the land provides. It makes for lighter travel. There are many advantages to knowing the land, many more than most humans and other races realize. It is not magics that makes us this way, it is only more knowledge and understanding that makes us so.”

She took note of his clothing, equipment and weaponry. It was clear to her that he was indeed formidable as Pela and Olwa had described. There was a playful gentleness to him as well, and she watched him with continued curiosity. The fact was branch had met a very small handful of humans having lived in the deepest of Silvanesti’s forests all her life.

She watched as he made his way back to the door and furrowed her brow as he spoke of the women of the Black Hills. She did not completely understand all he was saying, in fact she had never even heard of the Black Hills. Hearing that humans came with different colors of skin was also fascinating to her, the only few she had ever seen had the same color skin as she did. She listened with great interest and there was reflected sadness in her expression when he mentioned he could no longer go to a place he clearly enjoyed visiting, “Branch is very sad to hear the Mr. Kwinn cannot venture where he wishes, Branch does understand that.”

Standing there just outside the door she glanced to the heavy oak and then back to him speaking again in her thickly broken common, “Mr. Kwinn, it seems to Branch that reentering an establishment you have already been thrown from twice would be an unwise use of Mr. Kwinn’s time, and potentially trouble for boths of us. Branch would suggest instead perhaps that we find another place for you to stay. Someplace maybe where they would not throw you into the horse manure, I would be happy to go sit somewhere and tell you of my travels, but in truths, Branch would not be much of a help should we get into a fight in this place, the forests are where I fight best.”

She wasn’t telling an entire truth, in fact most of what she was thinking of telling him were lies. She had never been an adventurer of any sort, her family were slaves, she was taken from her own lands when she was only 6 or 7 and forced to serve the house of Pilininge from that day on. The only ‘adventures’ she had were sneaking out every night she could and learning the ways of the forest as her ancestors had done. All that was on her mind was to do whatever she needed to do in order to distract Kwinn long enough to allow Olwa and Pela a chance to get out of town before he saw them. She also wanted to size this fellow up, get to know him a little, understand if he truly was a threat or not to their escaping the Elves back in Silvanesti. That last thing she wanted was to end up in the middle of a fight, especially one in a confined space like these human buildings offered.

Last edited by zinsk on Wed May 23, 2012 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 12:42 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pirabanner

Piramay sat quietly in her sanctuary in the mountains strumming her fingers over the cover of one of her many tomes. A content sigh escaped her lips as she thought upon the past day events. Things had developed better than she had hoped. The elves of Silvanost were dealt a heavy blow to their pride toppling them from their lofty pedestal. Better still a rift between Kali and her allies to lessen their effectiveness together.

The wedding had also allowed her to glean a great deal of information about Kali. The young woman was consumed with an undeniable rage and thirst for vengeance that much was obvious. While it made her reckless it also made her a dangerous foe. She demonstrated her willingness to draw upon the ambient magic to amplify the spells at her command. It would be something to account for in any future encounter. Contingencies would have to put into place.

With a sigh the magess of flame stood from her chair dragging her fingers across the table till the passed the glowing jewel from her neck. She grasped the item with a smile and slipped it into her pocket where she also kept the soul gem. She clenched the stone and drew it forth and stared into the depths as she crossed the room to her work table. "So many little secrets my old friend... I do so wish you were here to share in one of my greatest ones." She smiled slipping the jewel away once more. She needed to gather a few items for her research.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 10:38 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela watched Olwa’s facial expressions closely as he stood there letting her words sink in. When he finally reached out and drew her in for a hug, she didn’t hesitate one moment and wrapped her arms around him to hold him close to her as well. When she held Olwa in her arms, it always felt right, but at this moment, it felt even more so. When he thanked her explaining why he did, she smiled up at him.

”I am glad we met too, Olwa Pilininge. I know I am still….how did Ceridwyn say it…oh yes, rough around the edges, but I have found these emotions you bring out of me are just as wonderful as they can be frustrating. And I would not change them for all the gold in Krynn. I love you. Of that I am certain. And I cannot wait to see where our journey will take us. Perhaps we will make it back to my home before your father has the chance to track us down. Then all this worry will be for nothing.”

She slowly stepped away from him then reached up and placed her cool hand on his cheek.

”We will take each day as it comes to us. And we will make the most of it. With some luck from the Gods, we may be able to live a life without the need to look over our shoulders ever again.”

She smiled again then nodded towardsthe privacy screen.

”I will clean up from our dinner. I believe it is your turn to bathe.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 10:54 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa nodded and looked at the screen, "Quite right, it is my turn to bathe."

Without another word he disappeared behind the screen and removed his layers of clothing. He wished he had time to clean them as well, he wasn't used to having several days of travel on his garments, but such was the consequences of leaving a pampered life. He thought little of it and hung the clothing up lazily over the top of the screen. As he filled the tub from a hand pump jack he eased his way into the cool, clean water. He closed his eyes and and rested his head on the back of the tub and spoke through the screen to Pela, "I can't tell you how nice it feels to wash off, so refreshing."

He heard Pela moving around the room and he smiled, deep down he knew he had made the right decision to leave Silvanost with her, no matter what happened from here on out.

As he finished and put his trousers back on he came out from behind the screen. Sliding his shirt off the screen and back on he walked over to Pela and hugged her again. It was starting to get dark and he looked out the window, "I sure hope Branch is alright... I am not worried about Kwinn doing anything to her, I just... ugh, I am being silly, she's a thousand times more capable of taking care of herself than I am."
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 11:14 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Arthur

"We'll walk for a while then, Branch." Kwinn said turning away from the tavern and onto a walking trail that lead past the inn, tavern and stables. The trail led past the small garden plot that grew some of the vegetables that were served in the tavern, it was overgrown and disorganized but it bore a few potatoes and carrots.

"Spices, eh?" The ranger asked. "Humans love their salt and fat..." He added. "I once knew a man that ate almost nothing but bacon, he lived to be a very old man."

Kwinn motioned as if he was shoveling food into his mouth. "He lived to be a very large, very old man."

"Have you ever had properly cured hog's flesh?" Kwinn asked. "If cooked right it is a delicious feast!"

"Of course if you can hunt a wild hog yourself, this is even better." The ranger said thoughtfully.

"One time, many years back a great wild dire hog almost made a meal out of me!"

"Who would have celebrated the passing of a skilled ranger and tracker, eaten for lunch by a huge hog."

"No, that would have been a poor way to leave this world." Kwinn snorted.

The two came to an iron bench situated near a small clump of wild flowers.

"Sit sister, tell me of your journey." Kwinn said politely.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 11:21 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela smiled at Olwa and kissed his cheek.

”Now who is wanting to protect those he cares about?”

She laughed softly and glanced at the window once more.

”If anything, I worry for Kwinn. I know he is rather accomplished in his skills but Branch…well…she is Branch.”

She had cleaned up the dinner plates and placed them neatly on the tray and pulled the thick covers down on the bed knowing if she tried to even think of covering herself with them she would regret it shortly afterwards. She walked over to the large bed and climbed up in it then sat the pillow against the headboard so she could recline back on it. Once she was settled, she looked over at Olwa and patted the bed next to her.

”Come sit up here with me.”

Once Olwa was settled, she sunk down slightly until she could easily lay her head against his shoulder. The silence fell about them like a soft blanket and she finally broke it when she spoke sleepily to him.

”It is strange how things change for a person. I never thought Bad Rock would die and he and I would go about on adventures doing whatever it was we wished to do. Now….I am headed back to the Khalkist Mountains with an Elf Lord and a wild Elfess. And I could not be happier.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 23, 2012 11:56 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 BranchBanner

Branch walked with Kwinn and listened to Kwinn as he spoke. When he asked if she had ever had properly cured hog she nodded and spoke, "Branch has killed many game animals in her time Mr. Kwinn, for Kagonesti hunting is part of our lifestyle, even when we are forced to live among the Silvan we still do our share of hunting. My Master and Mistress many times will ask Branch to go get stag meat, or pork, and Branch will keep their money and hunt her own."

Kwinn looked at her with a smirk and she smiled, "Branch is not a well-behaved elf all the time Mr. Kwinn. Branch only endures what she must, the rest of her time she walks her own."

She listened quietly as he spoke of the dire hog and as they reached the bench and he offered her a seat she took it politely. She looked at him and spoke, "Branch has never seen a dire hog, they are rare creatures indeed. The Silvanesti forests are for the most parts cleared of dire animals, our cousins consider them evil due to theirs unusually large sizes. Them don't understand, despite their being Elven, they is just larger breeds, not evil. I am sorry to hear the Mr. Kwinn might have becomes a meal insteads of has a meal his self."

She cast her eyes downwards slightly as he asked to hear about her journey. She was planning on lying but she was having hard time bringing herself to do it, Kwinn seemed so honest and innocent. She lifted her eyes back to his and spoke, "The truth, Mr. Kwinn, is that Branch is not here to buy spices. Branch escaped the home she lived in and the kin she served. The Silvanesti, they don't like us, they see us as inferior, so they enslaves us and force us to work for them. Branch was taken when she was very young, and finally now she has decided it was best to leave. So branch is here to escape, and plans never to go back."

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa chuckled as Pela made her jab at him and he nodded humorously as she mentioned Branch being 'Branch', "She is amazing, in many, many ways. I am still baffled how she managed to get so much money from my parents without them knowing."

He swallowed hard when she offered him a seat beside her. As he sat on the bed leaning on the headboard and she laid her head on his shoulder he felt a strange, nervous sensation in his gut. They had been alone many times, but she was right, this was the most unsupervised they had ever been, and he felt his head swimming with fear, excitement, joy, and nervousness. He didn't say anything and neither did she for a long while, when she finally broke the silence it caused him to twitch slightly from being startled. He listened and responded, "I agree, life does take us on some very strange journeys, if my parents had their way I would be married to Ranewan in the next few months, I would be following in my Father's footsteps, I would be a 'proper' elf with responsibilities at the Chamber. But here I am in a smelly inn, in a human town, with a young human that I love with all my heart... a year ago I would have laughed if someone had said this is where I would be."

He stroked her long white hair lovingly and looked down at her. He could barely see her face from this angle, but he could tell her eyes were closed. Her breathing was slow and steady, she was minutes from sleep. He traced the line from her shoulder, across her waist, up and over her hips and down her legs to the tips of her toes. Her clothing was held against her body curves loosely by gravity below them, and he let his eyes linger on her form. Pela never wore clothing the showed her curves or body shape, so to see it in these rare instances was like candy to his adolescent mind. He felt the butterflies in his stomach and he inhaled slowly and deliberately to ease the nerves, but yet his mind wandered as he closed his eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 2:17 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Dawn came and there was no sign of Branch. Olwa walked over to Pela and saw that she too was awake and staring at the ceiling. He sat on the bed and smiled as he brushed a finger on her cheek, "We need to get going."

He saw the look in her eyes and he nodded, "I know, I am scared and worried too, but Branch can take care of herself. She knows where we are going, she'll catch up as soon as she is able."

They packed and left the inn, walking inconspicuously out of the main city gate which was already seeing in a line of vendors and artisans looking to hawk their wears. Making their way just out of eyeshot of the city the two of them looked towards the mountains which loomed on the horizon. This was the furthest north that he had ever gone and he looked at Pela with a little trepidation as he spoke, "I have no regrets having left home, but I will tell you, those mountains look very dangerous..."

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Ky'ly

Ky'ly had made very good time, he and his Rangers had made their way to Shalost and were combing the city looking for evidence of the three travelers. He knew that his son was smart enough to hit the major cities, and knowing that Shalost was the closest northern city to Silvanost he figured this would be a good place to start. He was actually very impressed with his sons ability to hide any trace of their movement, he knew that service to the Prince would help him improve his skills however to the level that his son could disappear from advanced Rangers so easily made Ky'ly feel a sense of pride, though it would still not save his son a sound punishment once he was found. Despite the fact that he had been bewitched and lured away by the white witch, Olwa should have been more attentive at the beginning when his parents had warned him about the sorceress and her dark powers.

The Elves reassembled and shared the information they had acquired, nobody was talking, no one was even giving the slightest sense that the three of them had come through here. Turning to his Captain he spoke, "Ride to Balinost, perhaps they meant to throw us off by swinging south and then following the borderlands up into the north. I am certain they are heading to the witches homeland in the Khalkist Mountains, it makes the most sense that she would go there thinking we won't follow, the problem is there is nay a Netherman that can match any single one of us!"The Elves sat with pride in their saddles as he said this and then he continued, "Take two with you, get word to me on the winds with what you find."

The Captain turned and two elves followed as he turned to look at the rest, "We will ride to Sithelnost, it's a fairly major city so I would be surprised if they stopped there but you never know, this witch is crafty."

The nine of them thundered out the city gate and headed towards their next destination.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:09 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela didn’t sleep but a few hours. When she awoke just before the first light of day, her mind was racing. What if Olwa’s father found them? What would she do then? She’d looked over at his face as he slept and knew she couldn’t hurt him but her need to protect him, even though he was capable of protecting himself, was strong. And the fact Branch hadn’t returned was added worry for her.

When he finally began to stir, she closed her yes and said a silent prayer to whatever God would hear her that they were able to make it to the mountains before the angry parent reached them. When she opened her eyes, Olwa was sitting up and looked down at her, stroking her cheek. She gave him a small smile and sat up.

After preparing for the rest of their trip, she donned her ranger like clothing, pulling the hood of her tunic up over her white hair and struck out with the Elf. When Olwas paused and looked at the mountains then confided in her, Pela looked back to the mountains with longing.

”I know, my Olwa. And they are….if you did not know where you were going or what you were seeking…..”

She looked back to him, took his hand in her cooler one and gave him a small smile that made her blue eyes twinkle slightly.

”But this is my homeland. I grew up here and I know those mountains like you know the forests of Silvanost. Worry and fear are natural but do not fret over either of them for I am by your side and I will guide you until we reach my home. It will not be easy, but I know there is nothing we cannot face…together.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 3:44 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Olwa wrapped his fingers tightly around Pela's and he simply smiled with a confident nod, he knew that there was nothing they couldn't tackle, they were leaving what he knew and going to the place that she knew. Both places could be deadly if you didn't know your way around, but their combined expertise would see them through, and once they were there they could just live their lives.

They traveled for most of the day. It was pleasant weather, the clouds stayed low and a cool breeze was blowing which made the journey easy and fairly burden free. Around dinner time they stopped and were just on the edge of the foothills to the Khalkist Mountains. It was the area that Pela had described to him and it was exactly as she had described it. She had told him this was the southern most tip of Blode and that to the West was a massive valley with a river that ran right through the center. That river was the same river which ran through the Silvanesti forest and eventually was teh border river on the east side of Silvanost itself.

Olwa dismounted from his horse and walked over, helping Pela off of hers. They had found a pleasant little spot with some trees and a small little spring of clean, fresh water. He took the blanket off his horses saddle and rolled it out for them to sit on. He got some fresh water in their water skins and brought some rations to where she was sitting and sat down beside her. He handed her some of the rations and her water skin as he spoke, "This meadow is absolutely gorgeous. You said earlier that the valley is a full days travel across?" She nodded with a smile, "That's simply amazing, to think it is this lush and green for a whole days journey."

They ate and rested for a while, taking in the early part of the evening together as the horses grazed not far away. Olwa finished his food and turned to look at Pela as he finished his last bite, "SO the ancient lore says that the first true kingdom of the Dwarves was established in the Khalkist Mountains, the city was called, Thorin I believe... have you ever seen any of them? Are they near your families clan? I have never seen a Dwarf, I am interested to know what they are like."
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 4:04 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela was feeling more and more relaxed as the mountains grew closer. While she knew they were not out of danger and never really would be, she knew the closer they got to the mountains, the better chance they had of making sure Olwa’s father didn’t find them.

Leaning back on the blanket and enjoying the cool breeze the floated from the mountains through the valley, she let the hood of her tunic fall from her head. She could practically smell the trees from here. As Olwa asked his questions, she chuckled softly and nodded.

”Thoradin. And yes, I have seen them. And unlike the beauty of the Elves, the craftsmanship of the Dwarves is a stark contrast. Dwarves are a task minded people who see beauty in perfected tunnels and iron clad gates. There is some details to behold but nothing like Elven markings. The heart of warriors in small frames with a brashness that would make anyone blush, there is no doubt their skills are unmatched. Weapons are like lovers to the Dwarves ad they treat them as such. If you attempt to touch a Dwarven weapon you will be challenged as though you touched the most prized beauty in all the land. And to them, it is. And they do not see the sense in small talk. Direct and to the point everytime. It makes negotiating with them both enjoyable and frustrating all at once. But they are a fair people and will not try to fool you into buying anything but the best their hands could supply you with. And their hands are quite talented.”

She saw the look in Olwa’s eyes and saw he was trying to imagine such a thing. She chuckled softly again and touched his cheek gently.

”Once we are settled, I will take you to their ancient city and show you all the wonders your mind can imagine and even some they cannot. But do not forget, the Dwarves are a suspicious and superstitious people. What may seem like a clear path to something is littered with traps and surprises when you least expect to find one.”

Pela looked out over the valley and took a deep breath.

”This valley is a place of peaceful solitude. Bad Rock used to come here often to meditate. And once we make it to my home and establish ourselves, you will not have to fear visiting here whenever you feel the need to. I often thought he would come here to contemplate why he adopted an orphaned infant instead of just eating her and save himself a great deal of grief. And other times, I think he would come here so I would stop asking him questions for it was when I was here, in this valley, I would frolic and play with insects and pick flowers as most children do. Well….girls anyway.”

She held his steady gaze.

”Perhaps we could come here for the winters so you will be spared the harshest of the weather yet it will still be close enough to the mountains for me.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 4:19 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

He was simply fascinated as she spoke of the Dwarves and their personality traits. He gazed towards the mountains as she spoke and nodded when she finished, "I very much look forward to meeting them, I am sure they will find it odd that an Elf has come their way."

He turned to look at her again and smiled. She then began talking of the valley and the memories she held within it. He was glad she was finally getting to go home, he was able to see it in her face every hour they traveled, she was genuinely wanting to go home, to be back where she belonged... it was a feeling he never really held. Though he loved his beloved Silvanost and the forests of Silvanesti, home was never a place he felt welcome, he would miss the environment, but not the place he lived, that was certain.

As she laughed and spoke and finally locked her eyes on his, speaking of their future in the valley he nodded and could not help but be captivated by her beauty, "Yes Pela, I think... that would be... very nice."

He had crawled up to her, their faces were nearly touching and he smiled lovingly, longingly, hungrily into her eyes. She was as beautiful as he had ever seen her. The paleness of her skin was such a stark contrast to the dark of the Rangers hood that now laid across her shoulders. Her snow white hair spilled out across the front of her tunic and spun in ringlets that reminded him of snow swirling in the wind. He reached up and placed his left hand on her neck and drew her in gently to place a soft kiss on her lips. It was a kiss that quickly went from soft to one of pressure and fire, a kiss that was not shared by those who were not truly in love. He brought his other hand up and across her back, pulling her in tightly, and he felt her respond in kind, her hands now touching him on the back and the neck.

Her acceptance of his gesture, one he had been thinking about since she mentioned the bed, simply overwhelmed him and he broke the seal against her mouth only to take in fresh air. As he broke to look into her eyes he could feel the coolness of her saliva on his lips and he smiled before pressing in again to feel the sensation like electricity moving through his body. He let his hand slip down, it was on her waist now and as he pressed it upwards again he intentionally went under her shirt so his hand was now on the bare skin of the small of her back. He clutched at it gently, the cold, it was so different than any other person he had ever touched. Her skin was like ice and it was getting colder with each passing second as the two of them kissed and took in the breath of one another. Slowly he began to move his hand up her back and then suddenly they both heard the distinctive sound of someone gently clearing their throat beside them.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 9:09 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

It was unlike anything Pela had ever experienced before in her life. She’d come close a few times when Olwa kissed her in the past, but these new feelings she was having….it was exhilarating and head spinning all at the same time. And she wanted to feel more of it.

There was something different about the way he kissed her. It started out gentle and loving but it quickly grew into something much deeper. Something….hungry. And Pela was finding she had quite the ravenous appetite for this…..hunger. The strange tingling she felt all over her body, the way her heart seemed to beat wildly in her chest, the way she seemed to be unable to catch her breath….it only made her want more.

As the kiss deepened Pela slowly leaned back onto the blanket with Olwa partially on her and part of him on the blanket. She responded as only she knew how and that was to pull him in closer and feel every inch of him she could. As his hand slipped under her shirt the tiniest of sounds escaped her parted lips and Olwa seemed to capture it with his lips as he kissed her again and again.

Her own, cool hand (that was growing cooler with each passing moment) slipped beneath his tunic in kind. She felt a small tremor and heard his take a small gasp of breath when her hand touched the heat of his skin. The response seemed to embolden her to go further, closer to that edge. She wanted nothing more than for this moment to go on and on and see where this journey ended and as she felt Olwa press his body into hers, she was more than willing to go the distance right then and there.

Then the sound she least expected filtered through her fogged mind and she blinked then looked up to see Branch standing over them. For a moment Pela couldn’t process what happened but as she felt Olwa’s hand sliding from beneath her tunic and heard him make a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a whimper, she suddenly felt her cheeks grow warm as she slid her hand from beneath his tunic and did her best to lower hers. As Olwa slid the half of his body off that was covering her, Pela slowly sat up and tucked the hair behind her ears. Quickly glancing at Olwa, she looked back up at Branch and felt her cheeks grow warm again then looked away.

While she could still feel the press of Olwa’s lips to her own now swollen ones, she felt as though she’d been caught doing something terrible and was about to pay the price for her actions.
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 10:24 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 BranchBanner

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Branch was only a few meters away as the two younglings turned to face her. Her eyebrows raised ever so slightly as she looked from Olwa to Pela, who looked away, and then back to Olwa. She no longer had the look of a servant girl or subservient wild elf, she looked like a mother. She was calm and collected, her face wasn't showing anger, but she was certainly serious, "Olwa, Branch could have killed both of yous, if Branch was a baddie."

Olwa looked up at her curiously, that was not what he was expecting to hear, the truth was he was certain he was about to get a good stern talking to about what he and Pela were just doing. He also noticed that for the first time she had dropped the 'Master' before his name when she addressed him. She then turned to look at Pela and spoke, "Istar'ostring, you look warm."

She walked over and put her hand to Pela's head, she was ice cold. Branch leaned back and looked at her quizzically but put the pieces together rather quickly given the nature of what was just happening and the unique make-up of Pela's physical characteristics. She looked back to Olwa and spoke softly, "Olwa is supposed to watch her, protect her, keep her safe from harm. How is he to do that if's he is not paying attentions?"

She looked out across the meadow, narrowing her eyes and following the landscape, "These are new grounds, we's never been to them, not Olwa, not Branch...," she turned back to look at him, "There is a time for what was just here, a time when it will be safe, and right, and ok if's Istar'ostring gets a baby in her, yes?"

She turned to look at Pela and smiled softly, "Istar'ostring, be patients with what you feels. You did not wrong, but to maybe gets a baby when we travel and still need to find a new place, it would make things much harder for you, and for Olwa, yes?"

She turned to look at the blanket they were on, noting the crumbs of food and the water skins, "At leasts yous has eaten before pressing faces, yes?"

She half smiled and stood to her feet as she looked around again.

Olwa looked at Pela, there was a slight expression of relief on his face, but also confusion. He was certain they were about to be tongue lashed. He looked up at Branch and spoke, "I'm sorry we let you down Branch, it's just..."

Branch turned and looked at him with a loving smile, then to Pela and back to Olwa, "Branch understand Olwa, believe mine words, Branch understand. There's no need for apologies or sads... we's are with bodies that wants to have connections, the make contacts with those whom we love, but there is times and places for such things, and nots when wild beasties are roamin' or bad mens are looking to kill and steal us yes?"

Olwa nodded and looked at her with understanding, "We will be more responsible."

Branch smiled understandingly and looked at both of them without another word.

Olwa stood and helped Pela to her feet. He spoke to Branch, "What happened to Quinn?"

Branch turned to look at Olwa and spoke with a sly, mischievous smile, "Mr. Quinn is strong man, full of fire and smarts... but after a little kisses and some Eleven wine he like every others male fall asleeps."
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2012 11:38 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

A baby? The realization hit Pela as if Bad Rock had hit her with his massive fist. She wasn’t ignorant to the world. Bad Rock had made sure she understood how things happened but she’d never considered it when she and Olwa were…..

It was something she would have to be very mindful of and perhaps talk to Branch about when the time is right. She loved Olwa with all her heart but they were both still young. There was no need in doing anything they both weren’t fully prepared to take on. Especially when they were living in such a dangerous time.

And then there was the way her body reacted to what was happening between her and Olwa. Since they started this trip, she had been easily overheated but when they were…..intimate, she could feel her whole body cooling from the inside out. Pela knew she was different from other humans. Very different. But she never understood how different until now and while it seemed perfectly natural for her, it did bring a slight level of concern. Would she ever unintentionally harm Olwa with the cold she was able to wield if they were to go further than they did today? She prayed she didn’t but the thought would be ever present in the back of her mind.

But enough of that for now. Like Olwa, Pela was as surprised by Branch’s calm approach to their actions as he was. Perhaps even more so. She knew women, no matter the age, were to conduct themselves accordingly and she had surely allowed her conduct to slip a little. A lot, actually. Not that she was ashamed of it, mind you. Quite the opposite. And now that she was bringing herself back to her senses, she could feel that hunger gnawing at her already. Casting Olwa a quick glance once more, she got to her feet and straightened her clothing up.

As Branch explained about Qwinn, Pela couldn’t help but chuckle softly. Branch understood men more than Pela thought she did. It was quite refreshing. When she mentioned about the food, Pela gathered up some of the rations and handed them to Branch so she could eat as well.

”Well….I am just very glad you are back with us, Branch. I know you are quite capable of taking care of yourself, but I was worried all the same.”
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PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2012 12:42 pm

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 BranchBanner

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 OlwaBanner

Branch smiled at Pela but only patted her gently on the shoulder in response to her statement about being concerned. She turned and looked at the horizon line etched by the mountain and then up to the sun. She turned and looked at Pela and Olwa, "Makes camp, Branch will be backs soon."

They looked at her curiously but she didn't respond, she simply seemed to fade away into the trees that were just to the north of their location. Olwa looked at Pela and he smiled with a slight flush to his cheeks. He walked over and put his hands on her arms, drew her in and kissed her softly before taking her hand and speaking, "Come on."

They worked together for about 40 minutes and managed to set up the small tent they had purchased in Sithelnost. As he finished putting the cut branches and grasses all around it for camouflage he turned to look at Pela with a smile, "Well, it's not a large bed in a comfy Inn, but it will do fine for the night."

He was walking over to the horses again to help Pela unsaddle them when Branch appeared in the tree line and approached them. She was carrying five rabbits over her shoulder and a handful of greens that look like she had just pulled them from the ground. Walking over to the two of them she smiled softly and placed them on the ground, "Branch hopes that rabbit soup sounds good to Istar'ostring and Master Olwa?"

Olwa nodded and realized that the light rations they had eaten a while ago were wearing off, a warm bowl of fresh rabbit soup sounded delicious. He went to retrieve the pot and Branch touched his shoulder, "No Master Olwa, Branch will make dinner, you and Istar'ostring take care of horses and see that they are comfortable, we have long journies tomorrow yes?"

Branch built a small smokeless fire and cooked the rabbit in fresh water as she cleaned and prepared the vegetables. It looked like she had no less than four different kinds of greens and some tubers of some kind. She worked and cooked as the sun slowly descended into the horizon and darkness began to surround them. She served up three bowls of the soup and As Olwa smelled it he was overtaken by how delicious the scent was. When he took his first bite he nearly gasped at the taste and turned to Branch, "I never knew you could cook like this! I mean, you always made such delicious things for us at home but to do this from scratch I mean... at Ranger training we learned to live off the land but we never made anything like this."

Branch smiled softly and spoke, "There is much Master Olwa's Silvanesti have lost in their trying to live in their cities. Yes, Silvan are Elves and still know the language of the trees, but its the Kagonesti who still knows all the secrets."

She winked as Pela looked at her and took a bite of the soup, closing her eyes and enjoying the flavor Branch looked at the two of them and spoke, "Branch will take first watch, then Olwa, then Pela. Branch scouted as she hunted, the area is very quiet, Branch doesn't think we will has the troubles tonight, but just for safe."

Olwa nodded and Pela reciprocated, Branch looked at the two of them and spoke, "Is a good place you twos found here, good for the nights."

Olwa smiled as he received her compliment and looked at Pela with a smile. As evening came Olwa offered the tent to Pela, though there was plenty of room for both, given the circumstances of what had happened earlier he was trying to be proper about things. Pela was about to answer when Branch spoke, "Istar'ostring, come, I will shows you wheres the best place for watch is yes?"

Olwa looked at Pela and spoke softly, "She wants to chat with you, I have heard that tone before."

As Pela looked from Olwa to Branch and back again Olwa reassured her, "Don't worry mela'mine, I am sure sure it is nothing embarrassing or confrontational." He walked up and kissed her forehead softly and looked into her eyes with a smile, "I will see you in a few hours when it is my watch."

Branch waited patiently as the two said good night and as Pela walked up to her Branch smiled and walked a little ways to a small clear spot on the hill just west of the camp. She looked out, bow in hand and watched the landscape as Pela made herself comfortable. Branch knelt beside her and turned to look at her. There was nothing more than warmth and softness in Branches face as she spoke, "Istar'ostring, is everything alright with you? Branch senses that you might have questions for her. Branch knows we have not knowns each other long, but you can talk to Branch, she can helps if you has questions. Yous are of age when young ladies wants a mother to talk to... Branch is not a mother, but maybe if you need some answers Branch can give them."
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Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations   Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 21, 2012 10:24 am

Bk 2: Ch5 - Fragmentations - Page 2 Pela

Pela looked at Branch for a long moment then slowly turned her head as she looked out over the peacefulness of the valley. How much longer would the peace last? She couldn’t help but think it was only a matter of time before the forces against her and Olwa started pressing into this place. And then she’d be forced to act accordingly. And what would Olwa think of her then?

Finally she looked back at Branch and took a deep breath.

”You are very perceptive, Branch. And I could use a good ear as well as some sound advice from one who understands certain things. You know I love Olwa. With all of my being I love him and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt him. But there are certain things I need to be careful of. I am not saying I will withhold anything from him, but I need to know how best to breech the subject with him.”

Her cheeks colored slightly and she glanced down for a moment before swallowing and looking back up to Branch. There was a look in her blue eyes that had not been there before. It was one of almost desperation.

”What if…..when Olwa and I are….intimate again….I am unable to control the cold within me? I could feel it growing within me when he touched me and kissed me the way he did. What happens if things go further with us, and I know they will, and I am unable to stop the ability I am naturally born with? And….to be quite honest….I do not think I can trust myself to reject such advances from Olwa when they happen again. It would kill me if I were to hurt him…or worse….kill him because I am unable to stop my own body’s reaction to what I am experiencing.”

Pela looked out at the valley for a few moments then back to Branch.

”When you mentioned the fact we could easily make a baby if we were not careful with our actions, it got me thinking. I do not wish to do anything neither of us are not ready for. There is no doubt in my mind there will come a time when Olwa and I will have children, if we are meant to, but I do not wish to make one now. It would be much easier for both of us if there was a way for me to….prevent a baby from being created until the time is right for us.”

Pela fidgeted with the hem of her tunic and she looked down again as she fought for the right words once more. When she looked up at Branch this time, there was moisture in her eyes.

”I fear what kind of mother I will be. My own mother left me on the side of the road, unclean and squealing in the cold of night when I was born. I do not know what it means to be a mother. Other than what little time I have spent with Rayann. Is motherhood something we are born to do or is it something we are taught as we grow up in the company of the woman who bore us into the world?”
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