Ah, that is the question of the day, Easy.
Is Paradise real or is it something the Hybrids only perceive to be real? As far as Kitty, Tom and Gavin are concerned, it IS real. That particular part of the story never got further than what you read. It's completely up to us as writers to determine rather or not it's real or something else entirely.
The story has advanced a great deal since the Remnents of Civilization post. With Leo now gone, Kitty and Tom ended up following Plymuth to a remote civilization outpost where they found themselves in the middle of a confrontation yet again. Kitty's injured (took a deep grazing shot to her thigh). Gavin's caught up with them again and has given them a place to hide for now. It's cramped and below the city but it'll do for now.
The enforcers of this outpost are looking for them while Rarmon (the cyborg like man who likes blowing things up) and Jack (an advanced sniper) elude them as well.
The misfit band of hybrid/mutants are going to have to move soon. The problem with that is that they are unfamiliar with the territory. Not to mention all sorts of predators come out of hiding at night and prowl the land in seatch of their next meal.
As far as a clan of hybrids or anything like that, no one's taken that subject up in writing but it's not to say they are out there. In some of the ealier posts in the story, Kitty had some trouble with a pair of panther brothers. They and Kitty, along with other feline/human hybrids, were created in the same lab but when the humans who created them died, they found their own way and many of them left the bunker to seek out a better life.
So that's it in a nut shell.
Let me know if I can give you any more details. I'll be glad to help.